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Stella's POV
I hit Alex in the chest and gave him a look.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Nat asked.

"Cause were already worried about Loki I didn't wanna worry about my birthday. It's no big deal might as well be a normal day" I said grabbing an apple. I threw it up in the air and caught it.

"Sweetie you're 20. We may be saving the world but I'd still like a reminder" Tony said.

"Eh maybe next time" I said smirking.

"So what's our game plan?" I asked sitting on Alex lap. We act like a couple a lot of the time but like we're not.

"Well we wait. Once Loki's spotted we will attack" Steve said. I smirked.

"Oh Tony?" I said.

"Uh oh that's you're evil smile. What I'm earth are you thinking?" He asked.

"Well maybe we should throw a party. We can draw Loki in" I said.

"That's actually smart. I'll plan it. It'll be in 4 hours" he said pulling up things.

"Alex let's go get ready!" I said pulling him to my room. We got there and I turned on some music.

"This?" I asked pulling out an outfit.

"Nope" he answered.

"What about this?" I asked.



"Hell Yes!! You'll look hot" he said. We did my hair and makeup curling my hair and putting on some bold makeup.

 We did my hair and makeup curling my hair and putting on some bold makeup

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I put on a pair of stilettos and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn!" Alex said behind me.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

"Most people are here" he said

"Late to you're own party. I'm fashionably late" I said turning around to face him.

"Hell yeah you are. Come on!" He said. I let out a giggle and linked my arm with his.

"Let's do this!" I said excited. We went over to the elevator and pressed the floor where the party's at. The elevator stopped and we got out. People instantly looked at us and waved. It wasn't a big party. I smiled at Alex.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. Go find the avengers" I said smiling to him. He nodded and went his own way. I headed to the bar.

"Champagne please?" I asked. She nodded and went to get me some.

"Hey" Someone said from behind me. I turn around to see a really hot guy around my age there.

"Hey" I said smiling.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now