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It's been awhile since the kids birthday, Jewels and I haven't been close or anything. For some reason we were all sitting around and watching TMZ. Idk Thor likes that channel for some reason.

"Alright What's next?" The host asked.

"This is so lame" Toni spoke up and I laughed.

"Looks like Stella Stark and her husband have split!! They've been married what? 15 years and now Stella's been walking around without a wedding ring on!" A lady said and I sat up.

"Well this is weird" Steve said and I glared at him. He just smiled at me.

"She also has walked out of the Avengers place of living all bruised and her nose was crooked and she looked like a mess! Poor Stella you know she's always been my favorite Avenger. She's bad ass and she's hot" the guy said and I cringed.

"Tony Stark now hates you for calling his sister hot. You know how close those two are? Every siblings wish they were that close" someone else said.

"Oh my god you're right. Tony Stark if you're watching this don't hate me. If Stella Stark's watching this call me. My number is (213) 261-"

"Ok.... Dude she's never gonna call you and I feel like we should change gears. What's next" the guy asked and I just sat there.

"That was disgusting" I groaned.

"You're right it was" Alex said. Eventually everyone went to sleep and it was just me.

"Well no point to even try and sleep" i groaned. I grabbed my phone and put some sweats and a sweater on. I went down to my car and drove off to Shield. I arrived and got out.

"Miss.Stark you're here late" front desk Lady said.

"Can't sleep" I said.

"Here are some forms" she said handing them to me.

"For What?" I asked

"Your divorce" she said and I nodded. I walked to my office and stated crying.  I sat at my desk and stared at the papers.

"Friday scan me" I said.

"76 blood toxicity" it said and I bit my lip. 25 days till  I'm dead

"Friday call Pietro"

"Hello?" He asked through the phone.

"Hey Piety it's me" I said wiping my tears.

"Stells What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can you come to Shield?" I asked. He said yes and hung up. About 20 minuets later he for here. I hugged him and cried harder.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm dying" I whispered into his chest.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My ice powers are freezing my body making my temp lower" I said to him.

"But what about the twins and me and you're family?" He asked.

"I don't know. I haven't gotten a decent night sleep since we took a break. Can you stay over?" I asked.

"Of course" he said. We walked over to the couch thing in my office and laid down.

"I think I'm gonna tell them tomorrow" I said.

"Good idea are they coming in tomorrow?"he asked,

"Yeah tomorrow morning at 8" I said and we fell asleep.

Next morning.

"I don't like it" someone said.

"Shut up. We all know Stella hasn't been sleeping at night" someone else said. I opened my eyes and all of the Avengers, Addie and Toni and Jewels were staring at me.

"This is creepy" I said raising an eyebrow. I sat up and my joints popped. I stood up and threw a pillow at Pietro causing him to jump up.

"I'm awake!" He said.

"Dad!" Jewels said and ran to him.

"I've missed you guys" he said. Toni stood by me.

"So you wanted a meeting?" Steve asked.

"Uh yeah sit down" I said. And everyone sat down. Pietro stood behind me.

"Ok Uh I don't know how to say this" i said with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong ma?" Toni asked.

"I'm dying" I whispered.

"What I didn't hear you" Steve said.

"My ice powers are taking over my body and making my temperature lower then it should be" I said wiping the tears out of my eyes. I finally looked up but I just looked at Tony.

"How much longer do you have?" Alex asked.

"Approximately 24 days" I said

"You can't die. Bruce and I will work non stop to help you." Tony said.

"T-" I said but he cut me off.

"No! I just got you back I cannot lose you again!" He yelled.

"Tony! I don't want you spending the rest of my days in the lab! I wanna spend time with my brother before I die!" I yelled back at him. That shut him up. I walked over to my desk as everyone watched. I picked up the divorce papers threw them in the garbage.

"Does anyone have a lighter?" I asked. Alex pulled one out and threw it to me.

"Thanks" I said. I grabbed a piece of paper, lit it and threw it in the garbage.

"I no longer want a divorce" I said. Pietro stood there smiling.

"You sure? What I did was terrible" he said.

"I have 24 days to live if you think I'm spending those days fighting for custody of the kids and signing papers you're crazy" I said chuckling.

"What are you gonna do about Shield and Stark industry's?" Nat asked.

"I've got an idea" I said smirking.  I went over to the microphone that announces stuff all over the Shield building I pressed a button.

"Will all agents make there way to the auditorium please?" I announced.

"C'mon" I giggled. Tony smiled and grabbed my hand. All of us made our way to the auditorium and I went onstage while everyone else watched from backstage.

"Good morning everyone. Uh you all know me, I'm the director or you can call me Stella cause I don't care. Anyways I've got something to say.  I'm making someone really close to me Director because well I'm dying. I have approximately 24ish days left so I wanna announce you're new director. Now I sure as hell am not playing favorites with this. Whenever we're fighting this man puts himself before everyone else. He's always ready to put himself in danger to protect the ones he loves. So everyone you're new Director Tony Stark" I said and started clapping. Tony walked out shocked. He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You believe in me...." he whispered in my ear.

"Of course I do. You're my brother"

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