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Tony's POV

It's been about a year since the snap. I've been working about nonstop trying to get Stella and the others back. I've been working with Banner and Wong to get them back but so far no luck. Until today. I sat there with all of the other Avengers in the main area. They were arguing about something I'm not sure. One of Wong's portal things opened in the middle of the living room and he walked out.

"Stark I've figured it out where they all are" he said. I shot up as did everyone else.

"Where are they?" I asked. Pietro kept getting antsy.

"The mind stone" he said.

"Do you know how to get them out of it?" Pietro asked.

"I think I can open the portal there but it's gonna take some time and a trip." Wong said

"Where?" Steve asked

"Titan" he said.

"Cmon we have to go then. I've gotta get Stella back" i said pressing the button on my chest. My suit wrapped around my body.

"Everyone suit up!" I yelled out. 30 minutes later everyone was back in that room.

"Alright so we get to the planet open the portal get everyone through then come back with everyone" I said. Everyone nodded and Wong opened the portal and we all walked through and ended up in the planet.

"What is this place?" Alex asked.

"Titan. It's where I battled Thanos" I said.

"It's so depressing here" Pietro said.

"It is. Can we get them and head back?" I asked

"Of course Tony" Wong said. He did some things and the thing eventually opened. The thing is we can't walk through it. We can see the other side and what the people on the other side are doing.

Stella's POV
I sat in the front yard on the little step with Adeline. I was looking down playing with my nails.

"Mom?" She asked.

"Hm?" I answered still looking down.

"What's that?" She asked. I looked up and saw a bit opening. Looks like a portal of some sorts.

"Er it looks like a portal" I said. We stood up and walked a little closer. She walked closer and closer to it.

"Addy What are you doing?" I asked. She continued walking.

"I'm going through. I wanna see where it leads too" she said. I grabbed onto her wrist but she made it through.

"Damn it Adeline! Have I taught you nothing!" I yelled out groaning. I pulled out the walkie-talkie and put it up to my mouth.

"Sam?" I asked into it.

"What's up Stells?" He asked through

"Er there's kinda a portal in the front yard. Bring everyone out here" I said. I continued to look at the portal. I picked up a rock and threw it in. I shrugged and everyone finally got out here.

"What's up Miss. Stark?" Peter asked

"Peter it's Stella but that's not what matters right now. I think I found our way out of here" I said smiling.

"That the portal?" Bucky asked.

"Yes it is. Someone needs to walk through to test it. Addy walked through even tho I told her not to. Now who's walking through?" I asked.

"Why don't you go through the portal?" Sam asked

"Because I wanna make sure everyone's ok and through before I go. Now I volunteer wade" I said smiling. Everyone agreed and he groaned. He stepped forward and started talking but I pushed him into the thing. Once everything looked ok people started going through. Eventually everyone did and it was my turn.

"Well guess this is it" I said sighing. I heard some noises from behind me and turned around.

Tony's POV

The portal was open and we saw Stella and Adeline sitting on the steps of the house.

"Mom?" Addy asked.

"Hm?" Stella answered.

"What is that?" She asked. Finally Stella looked up.

"Looks like a portal" she said. They both stood up and slowly walked closer. Stella stopped about a foot in front of it but Addy didn't

"Addy What are you doing?" Stella asked her.

"I'm going through I wanna see where it leads too" Addy said. She walked through and stumbled once she got here. She looked shocked. She looked up and saw me.

"Uncle Tony!" She yelled jumping into my arms.

"Hey kid. I've missed you" I said. She pulled away and her eyes met Pietro's.

"Dad!" She yelled and ran over to him. They hugged for awhile till we continued to watch through the portal.

"Damn it Addy! Have I taught you nothing?" Stella yelled out. We all chuckled. She pulled out her Walkie Talkie and said something into it. Once she was done she was done she picked up a rock and threw it in. It fell down and hit Alex. She shrugged and everyone came by her.

"What's up Miss. Stark?" Peter asked

"Peter it's Stella but that's not what matters right now. I think I found our way out of here" I said smiling.

"That the portal?" Bucky asked.

"Yes it is. Someone needs to walk through to test it. Addy walked through even tho I told her not to. Now who's walking through?" I asked.

"Why don't you go through the portal?" Sam asked

"Because I wanna make sure everyone's ok and through before I go. Now I volunteer wade" she said grinning. He walked up closer and she pushed him in. Everyone else walked in and then we all watched her.

"Well I guess this is it"  she said. There was a noise behind her and she turned around to see a bunch of those monster things.

"Can't I get a break?" She asked groaning.

"We have come here to kill you" What looks like the main alien person said. Stella groaned.

"Every fucking time. Give me a minute" she pulled out her phone it looks like and played a song. She put it down by the portal and got into fighting stance.

"What is this?" The alien asked.

"It's called Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. It makes every fighting sequence cooler" she said.

"Now come at me bro" Stella said.

"KILL HER" the alien said.

"No introductions? How rude" she said. She started fighting one after the other. It got down to no minions and just her and the lady alien person.

"Stella Stark nice to meet ya" Stella said putting out her hand. The alien pulled out a gun.

"Hey no ok so no introduction alright" Stells said putting her hands up.

"Any last words?" The lady asked.

"Yeah uh bye!" Stella said and made a run for it to the portal. She quickly picked up her phone and walked through. She stumbled a bit but then held herself still. She looked up and looked like she was about to cry when she saw me.

"Tony..." she said. I stepped out of the suit and she ran over to me and hugged me.

"I missed you so much Stella" I said.

"I missed you more" she whispered to me. We pulled apart and she saw Pietro and ran over to him. He pulled her into a kiss and they hugged. Once they were done she came back over to me and hugged me some more.

A/N: nope this story is not over. I have so much more to come.... I'm just exhausted right now

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