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Tony's POV

We all were sitting around trying to figure out what happened to Stella.

"Could it be a past enemy?" Alex asked.

"I don't think so" Steve Said. I sat there silent trying to figure it out.

"Sir you have a video message" Friday said.

"Up on the screen please" I said. She put it up there and it was Stella tied up in a chair awake.

"What the hell" Pietro said.

"Read that peasant" he said.

"Uh do you like not know who I am? You should you kidnapped me I am no pea-OOF" Stella said then got punched in the stomach.

"Son of a- why the hell would you do that?" She said.

"Because you are not cooperating. Now read" he said.

"Dearest Avengers.... I have been kidnapped. No duh" she said then Got punched. She spit out blood.

"Don't be dramatic" he said so She continued.

"Dear Avengers... I've been kidnapped. I'm at a Hydra base but I'm not telling you where. I will be turned into a soldier not just any soldier The Winter Soldier 2.0. After I'm done reading this I will be injected with the uh serum. I won't be brainwashed so I can remember every kill that I do and it'll haunt me." She said scared.

"I-I don't wanna become another Winter Soldier. I just got engaged and everything was going good. Please let me go" she said crying

"No! No don't please don't! Let me go!" She said. He injected it and she went limp.

"Now Avengers you wont find her so she'll most likely be dead or something by the time you do. Best of luck" the man said and the screen went black.

"What the fuck!" I yelled standing up fast. I hit my hand on the table.

"Uncle Tony?" I heard a voice from the doorway. I whipped around and we all saw Addy crying.

"W-what If we don't find her?" She asked. I opened my arms and she hugged me.

"We will find her in time sweetie. It's gonna be alright." I said stroking her hair. I looked at everyone else.

"How about you head back to you're room and I'll be there in a minute" I said smiling at her. She nodded. She walked over to Pietro and hugged him.

"G'night Pietro" she said.

"Night sweetie." He said. She waved to everyone else and left the room.

"Ugh hasn't Stella and Adeline been through enough?" Nat asked.

"I've gotta go check up on Adeline. You guys try to figure something else" I said. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button to the floor she lives on with Stella. It went up and stopped at the floor. I quickly walked up to her room so I could get back to the meeting room faster.

"Hey Addy" I said sitting on her bed.

"Why did they take mom?" She asked.

"I don't know. But we're gonna get her back soon. We won't let anything else happen to her" I said hugging her.

"Promise?" The 13 year old asked.

"I promise" I answered. She laid down and I walked out closing the door behind me. I sighed and headed back to the conference room.

"So anything?" I asked.

"Mr.Stark you have another video call" Friday said. I groaned.

"Put it up on the screen" I said. It was another video of Stella. We all were watching it. She was tied up and asleep. Someone walked in and slapped her awake.

"Ouch. Damn where am I" I groaned.

"Hydra base. Remember?" The guy asked.

"My brother and kid and fiancé. Where are they?" She said panicking.

"Oh they know we took you. I don't know if there looking for you. They probably don't even care enough to look for you" the guy said.

"That's where you're wrong. You see you kidnapped Iron Mans Sister. I've never seen siblings as close as we are. He's looking for me. Him and my fiancé and my friends. Correction there family. So if you think you can go around kidnapping Stark's you have another th-OOF" she got punched in the stomach.

"Oh my god stop punching me in the stomach what if I was pregnant or something?"She asked.

"Well are you?" He asked.

"I mean no. Ya see I just got back from being stuck in the mind stone so like yeah" she said

"So I can continue" he said. He kicked her in the stomach area.

"That's a broken rib" she said. She coughed up some blood.

"you're family is watching right now through this Video camera." He said. She all of the sudden started screaming in pain.

"Why! Does! It! Burn!" She asked gasping.

"That's the super soldier serum" he said smirking.

"Why did you guys take the ingredient stuff. That belonged to my Father" she said trying to get free.

"You're father was a coward same with you and you're brother" the guy said.

"Don't talk about them like that!! You can talk about me like that but don't talk about my father that way. Or brother" she said groaning from pain.

"We have you're first mission. I assume you know how to fight saying you're an avenger" he said.

"How do you know that I won't just run off" She asked.

"Because you have a tracker in you're neck." He said. She groaned. He untied her and she stood up.

"Now soldier are you ready?" He asked her.

"Ready to compromise" she said. He turned off the camera and that was that.

"She can't right? She won't..." Pietro said.

"She won't do anything. She's not brainwashed" Steve said.

"Yeah but if they make her with the whole tracker thing she has to" nat said. 

"Everyone go get some sleep and we will continue after breakfast tomorrow" I said. We all went our own ways. I went to Stella's room and saw her thrashing around I went and laid down next to her.

"Shh I'm here Adeline" I said. I eventually fell asleep next to her.

Stella's POV

"You're mission is to kidnap you're kid. Bring her back here so we can also turn her into a soldier" the person said. 

"I will not bring my daughter into this." I said. They pressed a button and a shock of energy went through me. I groaned. 

"Tomorrow morning is when you do it" he said. He injected something in my arm and everything went dark.

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