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I was woken up by Tony the next day

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I was woken up by Tony the next day.

"Stella wake up!" He said and I groaned.

"What T?" I asked.

"Suit up!" He said and walked out. I sat up and remembered that I'm engaged. A simple smile came to my face. I got up and started getting ready.

I walked down to the conference room where everyone was

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I walked down to the conference room where everyone was.

"Hey. I'm here we can start" I said sitting down in a chair. I looked over and Loki was sitting there.

"Yo What the fuck is he doing here?" I asked

"He's here to help. He realized something and came to us. I'll explain later" Tony said and I nodded.

"Hello Stella" he said. I waved a bit.

"Mom!" Addy came running in.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked.

"I'm hungry" she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok.... and?" I asked.

"Can you make me some- oh you're going on a mission. I'll get pepper to make me something" she said.

"Bye mom. Stay safe don't die saying I just got you back. Same goes for all of the rest of you- What's Loki doing here?" She asked.

"Uh he's help for something" I said.

"Alrighty. Well I'm starving so I need food. After I'm gonna hang out with Peter and Kate so I'll see you when you get back" she said.

"Bye kid!" Tony said to her.

"Bye uncle T" she said closing the door behind herself.

"Ok so Loki What is Red Skull up to?" Steve asked cringing slightly.

"He's trying to start another War" Loki said.

"Didn't this already happen? Like idk in the 40's?" I asked groaning.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now