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Stella's POV
Somehow everyone came back together and were standing in a line. I looked over to Tony then down and then back to Pietro.

"What do we do cap?" I heard Bucky ask.

"We fight" he said. They started walking us so we did the same to them.

"Mr. Stark there not stoping" spider-boy said.

"Neither are we" Tony said and flew up in the air. I ran up and fought with Alex. Let me tell ya. It fricken sucks fighting you're best friend. I was about to punch him but stopped.

"We're still best friends right?" I asked.

"Depends on how hard you punch me" he said. I punched him and he moved me around.

"Sorry sweetie I'm not punching you" he said and ran away. I stood up and saw that that Lang guy was like 100 feet tall.

"Uh tony?" I asked through the ear piece.

"Yes Stella?" He asked.

"What are we gonna do about that guy?" I asked. Spider boy started spinning around his legs.

"Do you guys remember that scene in Empire Strikes Back where there in that place and they start swinging around the legs?" He asked.

"Jesus Tony how old is this guy?" Rhodey asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know somewhere on the young side" Tony said. The tall guy fell into a plane hitting Spider man to the ground. Nat was fighting Clint. Tony and Rhodey were in the air with Sam following. Everything that happened next was in slow motion. Vision shot something out of the mind stone at Sam. Sam dodged it and it hit Rhodey making him fall to the ground.

"RHODEY!!" I yelled out running over to him. Tony was by him. With that it was over.

They came and arrested everyone on Caps team.

Steve and Bucky got away.

I was on a jet back to the compound by myself.
(A/N Steve doesn't break them out right away. After a couple months he does in the story)

Tony ran off somewhere. I finally arrived back at the compound and went straight to my room to take a shower and change into some sweats. I laid in bed and fell asleep.

I woke up a couple hours after to some back pain.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" I asked.

"Yes miss Stark?" She answered

"Is tony here?" I asked.

"He's in the main room" she said. I got up and winced. I walked into the main area and saw him sitting there.

"Hey Tones" I said standing there.

"Hi" he said

"What's wrong Tony?" I asked.

"He killed them. He killed mom and dad" Tony said about to cry.

"Who?" I asked now I'm about to cry.

"The Winter Soldier" he said and put his head in his hands. We stood there like that for awhile. I felt something ooze down my leg and hit hit me. I smiled to myself.

"Tony?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"My water just broke" I said. His eyes widened and he stood up.

"Ok uh quick we've gotta get you downstairs to the hospital" he said taking my arm. He walked me to the elevator and we got in. He pressed a button to the hospital area. I groaned in pain.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now