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I sat there with the Avengers, Braden, Toni, Matt and Foggy.

"Ok so wait let me get this straight... he met someone new after 6 months of you pretty much dying?" He asked.

"Yup" I said taking a sit of water. We went on talking about the whole thing. Some guy walked out of the elevator. He was in jeans and a t-shirt. I recognized him....

"Stella Stark?" He asked.

"Why do random people keep walking out of my elevator wanting me" I groaned. I stood up with my crutch.

"That's me" I smiled.

"fiction" he started and I realized what he was doing.

"No, stop" I put my hands over my ears.

"back" he said.

"Stop It" I groaned.

"circumstance" he said.

"Matt, Foggy, Toni please get out of here" I whispered. They left.

"oven" he said and I started crying.

"Quit it!" I said.

"glasses" he said.



"Venus" he finished. I was sitting on the ground.

"Soldier?" He asked. I stood up with no emotion.

"Ready to comply"


If you were to think everyone except for Stella was scared that would be an understatement. They were freaking terrified. Someone in there family just got turned into the fricken Winter Soldier 2.0.

"Soldier, do you know who these people are?" The random guy asked.

"No" Stella said. Bucky was there with everyone. He was just waiting for the perfect time to speak up. This is it.

"Sputnik" Bucky yelled out. The guys eyes widened and he ran out of the building. Stella's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell to the ground.

"Someone pick her up and put her in bed." Bucky yelled out.

"Wait what did you do?" Tony asked.

"I turned off the Winter Soldier. A word built into us when we were brainwashed to stop the Soldier if those words were to come out of someone's mouth" Bucky said. Braden went and picked her up bridal style. He put her on the couch and put a blanket over her. He kissed her forehead and sighed.

"She's not gonna be alright after this" Tony said.

"Yeah, she did not do anything but is still gonna mess her up" Steve said.

"I'll be here for her" Braden said moving her hair out of her face:

"Uncle T? Is mom alright?" A voice asked from the entrance of the room. Everyone looked over and Juliette and Toni stood there.

"Yeah kids. She'll be up in a bit. She's just uh taking a nap" Tony said.

"Don't lie to us Uncle T. She's not just taking a nap" Juliette said shaking her head.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now