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The Avengers slowly brought Stella's dead body to the jet

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The Avengers slowly brought Stella's dead body to the jet.  Clint and Nat went to the pilot seat. Thor and Banner were standing around with Loki. Alex sat in the distance. Wanda, Vision, Sam, Steve and Bucky all crowded around Tony and Pietro sat by each other.

Stella's breath less body laid on the bench across from them. She still looked beautiful. The occasional sniffle could be heard.

"What now?" Sam asked Steve and Bucky.

"I'm not sure" Steve said. A million thoughts were going through everyone's minds. The main one was how were they gonna tell Addy.

"Uh I've gotta call pepper" Tony said. He pulled out his phone. He put it up to his ear and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, Pepper?" He asked. His voice cracking with it.

"What happened tony?" She asked.

"She didn't make it back" Tony said crying.

"Who didn't? Tony what are you talking about?" She asked him.

"Stella! Stella's dead. She got stabbed In the abdomen and died in my arms" he said.

"Your not serious right? Is this some sort of sick joke?" She asked.

"It's not just please don't tell Adeline" he said.

"Yeah no I won't. I love you Tony" she said.

"I love you too Pepper" he said and hung up. Wanda went over and sat by Pietro.

"What am I supposed to do Wanda? What am I supposed to tell Adeline?" Pietro asked sadly.

"You tell her that her mother died fighting. That you'll do everything to protect her. That you'll be there for her always" Wanda said to him.

"It's not that easy" Pietro said.

"Of course. It never will be" Wanda said

"You lost the love of your life. Tony lost his sister. I lost my best friend. It won't be easy for any of us. It's gonna take time but we will get through this." Wanda said.

"Clint how much longer?" Steve asked.

"A couple more minutes till we're at the tower." Clint said. The rest of the ride there was silent. The jet landed on the landing pad. Tony went to Stella's body but stop.

"Tony I'll bring her in" Steve said. Tony nodded and walked off the jet head down. He walked inside and plopped down beside everyone else on the couches. He sat by Wanda and Pietro. Steve walked in holding her body.

"Mom! Dad! Your back!" Adeline yelled running in the room with pepper. Tony and Pietro looked up with sad eyes.

"Dad, Uncle Tony?" She asked. She looked over at Steve and her eyes widened. She started crying.

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