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Stella's POV
We went back to the house after awhile cause it was getting late. Everyone was already asleep I guessed. Except Tony he tends to not sleep. He probably in the back. I walked in with Steve.

"Well I'm gonna go to sleep. Thank you" I said with a small smile.

"You're welcome. Hey if you ever need to talk to someone I'm always here" he said.

"I might just take you up on that offer" I said then walked up to the room I'm staying in. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.

I woke up in the middle of the night trying to catch my breath. I was sweating more then I ever have and crying really hard. I finally calmed down after 20 minutes.

"Damn nightmares" I said to myself. It was more of a flashback of the battle of New York. I laid back down and fell asleep.

I woke up at 9:30 and got out of bed. I grabbed an outfit out of my bag and got ready.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen.

"Stella!!" Lila yelled making everyone look my way.

"Hey sweetie" I said and smiled at her and everyone else.

"How did you sleep?" Laura asked.

"Wonderful thank you" I said giving a small smile. Everyone looked at me strange and I rolled my eyes.

"Stella sit by me" Lila said.

"No sit by me!" Cooper said.

"Coop she's gonna sit by me!" Lila said.

"Nope. She's gonna sit by me" he said and I sighed.

"I'm gonna sit by Tony. I'll play with you guys later" I said to them. I went and sat by Tony and he smiled to me.

"I missed you" I said smiling to him.

"I've missed you too." He said.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Clint asked

"I'm not hungry. Thanks though Clint" I said. I sat there with everyone as they ate. My mind won't let me forget about Pietro. His hair, his jawline, him....

"Stella you Alright?" Tony asked.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I asked if you were alright" he said

"Yeah. I'm fine" I said. Everyone went there separate ways and I went and looked out the window. I didn't realize I started crying until I felt wetness on my hand. I didn't wipe my tears. My eyes glossy starring out the window. I'm not sure how long I was standing there. Someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I saw the team all lined up worried expressions all came onto there faces when they saw me.

"Stells what's wrong?" Tony asked.

"I just need my brother right now. Not the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark or whatever You call yourself I just need my brother" I said just above a whisper. He pulled me into a tight hug. We sat there hugging for a couple minutes.

"What's up? Why did you need me?" I asked pulling away and wiping my tears.

"Suit up. We're going to Sokovia" Tony said and I sighed.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now