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I sat there with Tony down in his lab for a couple minutes. Just us two.

"Tony what do I do?" I asked him.

"Take him to court. Get custody of the kids" he said.

"I can't do that. Juliette hates me as it is. That'll ruin everything" I said sighing.

"Jewels doesn't hate you." He said.

"I don't remember the last time that she actually talked to me. She always snubs me and everything" i said.

"You're her mother. She doesn't hate you" he said.

"Maybe I'm not sure. Anyways I've gotta go back upstairs. I have to get my stitches checked" I said.

"Here I'll carry you" he said. He picked me up bridal style and went to the stairs.

"Geez woman you weigh like nothing" he said walking up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry" I said shaking my head.

"You should start eating more" he said.

"No way man. I weigh enough" I said as he got to the end of the steps.

"No you don't. Addy probably weighs more then you" he said as we walked to the kitchen where everyone was.

"Can you stop talking about how little I weigh" I asked.

"Nope. How are you an agent when you weigh this little" he asked.

"Oh my god Tony stop obsessing about how little I weigh" I said laughing. He set me down and handed me my crutch.

"I'm sorry. As you're brother I'm worried!" He said putting his hands up in defense. I put the crutch under my good arm. I went to walk away.

"Uh What are you doing?" He asked.

"Going to sit next to my son...?" I said confused.

"I uh think that I deserve a hug." He said putting his arms up for a hug. I rolled my eyes. I went over to him and hugged him. We stayed there for awhile hugging. I went to walk away but he held on tighter.

"Stay in my arms so nothing bad happens to you ever again" he said.

"T I'd love to stand here and hug all day but like I've got stitches to get checked" I chuckled.

"Oh right yes" he said and I laughed. He let go and I let out a breath.

"Finally I can breath again" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"God you're 20 years old and you act like a 5 year old" he said.

"I've been 20 years old for how long?" I asked.

"Long enough" he said.

"Well I'm 20 years old for ever cause we're immortal. So you're that age forever too" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Bruce can you check on my stitches? I wanna go watch a movie" I asked.

"Of course. Go lay on the couch" he said and I nodded. Tony helped me to the couch and I sat on it.

"Tony, help me" I groaned. He took my arm out of the sling and lifted up my shirt. I took it off to where I was In my sports bra and sweatpants. Bruce washed his hands and came over to me. I did my best and laid on the couch.
He looked at the long line of stitches on my abdomen, then the line of stitches on my thigh then my shoulder.

"It looks pretty good. Healing fast" he said taking a step back.

"good" I smiled. I sat up with the help from Tony and put my shirt back on.

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