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Stella's POV
I got out of the shower and got dressed.

Stella's POV I got out of the shower and got dressed

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I put some makeup on and my converse. I grabbed my phone and wallet and ran downstairs to everyone.

"Alex c'mon let's go!" I said excitedly.

"Where are you guys going?" Tony asked.

"Yeah Where are we going?" Alex asked.

"You'll see" we went out to the garage and got into my car.

"So where are we going?" Alex asked as I drove off.

"I'm getting a tattoo" I said smirking.

"Wait really? Like you're going through with it?" He asked.

"Yup" I said. I turned up the radio and we sang along till we got there. We walked in and was greeted by a woman.

"Hi I'm Stella Stark. I wanna get a tattoo" I said smiling.

"Yes right this way ma'am" she said. She sat me down in a chair and I told her what I wanted. Alex sat next to me talking.

"Sleeping with that guy last night made me realize that I like someone" I said shrugging.

"Oh yeah who's that?" Alex asked.

"He's on the team and I guess I've liked him since I met him" I said.

"Who. Tell me" he said.

"Steve" I said smiling.

"Yes! I called it! I knew you liked him" Alex said doing a little dance.

"There ya go ma'am." The tattoo person said.

"Thank you. How much?" I asked.

"On the house since it's you're first tattoo" he said.

"Oh wow thanks. Come on Alex" I said standing up.

"Can I see it?" He asked walking to the car.

"Sure. Do you think everyone will notice?" I asked
I pulled off the wrapping and showed him the small tattoo on my wrist.

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