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A week has passed since the car accident and Stella's death. The day of the funeral has arrived. Tony stood in front of his full length mirror. Not admiring himself or anything. Just staring off into space.

He knows there's no Hydra or Shield or anything else to bring her back. She was dead.

"Tony we've gotta go to the church. Everyone is there" Pepper said. He nodded and walked out of his room. They went down and got into a car. Pepper drove them there.

Once they arrived they got out and walked in to the church. Everyone looked at Tony. In the front 2 rows were The Avengers, There families, Braden, Toni, Jewels and Addie. The rest of the people in the church he barley knew. Pepper went to sit down and Tony slowly walked up to the coffin. It was an open casket. He looked down at Stella's limp, cold dead body and bit his lip to try not to cry. He turned around and went to sit by Pepper.

"Before we start i would like to invite her brother Tony Stark up here to say a few words" the pastor said. Tony slowly stood up and walked up there.

"Hello everyone,
Stella and I were super close. She was my baby sister and I would do anything for her. She was literally the light of my life and I know that's cheesy but she was. I would do anything for her. I was there when she had her first baby. She almost broke my hand she was squeezing it so hard. The thing is-" his voice cracked as he started crying.

"The thing is, the last thing that I said to her was that I called her a slut. I didn't mean it. I wish I could take it back. I wish I could've taken your place in that car the day of the crash. I ignored you the past couple months you were alive and I hate myself for doing that to you. I know you'd want us to smile and celebrate your life but How can I smile when you took my happiness away with you? There's no getting you back this time. There's no Hydra or Shield to bring you back to me this time. I hate that I can't bring you back but I hope you're finally at peace. I hope your with mom and dad. Hey guess what sis you're getting what you wanted all along. A couple years ago we were having one of our deep talks and she was saying how she wished she never got involved with Shield and the avengers. All she wanted to be was a mom at the time... Stella I don't know what to do with out you. You're my other half. I'm nothing without you. I just don't know what to do. Uh um I'm sorry. I got kinda carried away. Anyways, Stella I love you so much and I hope you're finally at peace..." Tony said. He took a look at the coffin and broke down. He went and sat back in the pew.

"Her son wanted to saw a few words" the pastor said. Toni went up there to say a few thing.

"Hi everyone, I'm uh Toni her son. My mom and I were super close i was gonna come up and talk about how she'll be missed and everything. She knows she'll be missed and everything. She knows how much we all loved her. Shes probably up there with my grams and gramps laughing her ass off of how emotional we are. That's how I'd like to remember my mom. Not of her laying on that gurney and the doctors rushing all around her. Them calling the time of her death I don't wanna remember her that way. She'd want us to remember her saving the world or her and her best friend hanging out. Her training with everyone. Anyways I love you mom. I hope you know that and you'll remember that. I miss you so much"  he said crying and smiling. He walked back down and sat by Jewels.

"There's uh a couple videos that she wanted you to watch" fury said walking up. The lights went out and a video played.

"Hello everyone and welcome to my funeral! If your watching this it means i'm officially dead. About damn time. I obviously don't know how i died but whatever. I have lived a good life. I had 3 wonderful children. I was married 2 times. Both times i loved the guys so much. I've got an amazing brother. Tony, i know that you didn't mean what you said. Please don't blame your self. I love you Tony. Always will. I'm probably looking down at you laughing my ass off about how emotional you're being. Tony pull yourself together! Stark's aren't this emotional boo! Yes, I'm dead. Yes, I die a lot so this shouldn't be anything new. Now I've got a video of memories for you all to watch. So sit back and enjoy the video" she said smiling on the video. Photos and videos popped up. The first video was of Stella and Alex.

"Alex! Put me down! I swear to god" Stella laughed. Alex as holding her over his shoulder.

"You'll do what?" Alex said.

"Kids are overrated anyways" He said.

"Alex!" she squealed. A different video popped up. Stella was Pregnant and standing there in a dress and heels.

"Tony get that damn camera out of my face" She said.

"Why?" Tony asked.

"Because i'm pregnant. I will sit on you Tony don't think I won't" she said

"You don't scare me!" He said sticking out his tongue. She stood up and went over to him. She literally sat on him.

"Ok ok ok I'll turn it off!" He said. A new video popped up. It was her training with Pietro.

"3 2 1 SPAR!!" Clint yelled out. She flipped him then kissed him.

"Ha! I beat you!" She yelled out. The video switched and it was of her fighting in the battle of New York.

"Monday's fucking suck" she said she shot at the alien. The clip changed and it was Stella sitting in front of a window.

"Hello. Uh this videos for my kids. I'll start with Addy. Adeline I hope you get everything in life that you want. I hope you have kids with Peter and grow old and grey with him an you're kiddos. Now on to Juliette. Jewels I hope you know that I love you very much. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you're wedding or to spoil you're future kids. Once you're 18 or whatever age past 18 I hope you find your true love. That's what I did with you're dad. Well technically I was 20 and I got a ride from him to the jet from Clint's house. But don't meet someone that way.... He got shot after. Now Time for Toni. Hey kiddo. You'll be alright. I know you'll be the strongest out of my kids so I need you to watch the girls and make sure there ok please. You're such an amazing kid. I love you all so freakin much it's crazy... You guys are he best kids someone can ask for and I'm so honored to be your mother. I love you guys" she said through the video. The screen went dark and the lights came back on.

The pastor said some things and it was time to go to the cemetery. Some depressing ass music played as they brought the casket to the headstone. They set it on the lift thing as all the family stood around it. They all set white roses (Stella's favorite) down on the casket. It slowly lowered into the ground and they all watched. Her headstone said some quote.

Stella Bree Stark
Loving Sister, Mother and Wife
'If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart and I'll be there forever' -Winnie the Pooh

Of course Stella would chose a Winnie the Pooh quote for her headstone. Eventually the service ended and everyone went home.

The next couple months everyone drifted away. All the Avengers moved out. Alex and his fiancé moved away. The kids and Pietro still live there with Tony. But everyone else moved away.

Tony realized he was gonna be ok.

She's gone but she's everywhere.

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