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I Woke up next to Braden and smiled remembering today's the wedding day. I sat up and yawned.

"Braden, Babe wake up" I smiled giving him a kiss. He kissed back and smiled.

"I've gotta go wake up Victoria" I yawned.

"Well I'll see you when you walk down the isle then" he kissed me. I was the only bridesmaid and Alex was he only groomsman so I walk down the isle with him.

"Yup. I'll see you later" I said kissing him again. I grabbed everything I needed and went to her hotel room. I walked in and she was still sleeping. I grabbed a bottle of champagne and popped it open.

"It's you're wedding day bish!!" I yelled out laughing. She sat up and laughed with me.

"It's my wedding day!!" She said. We started getting ready. She got her hair and makeup done and I did mine. I put on my dress and smiled at how I look.

 I put on my dress and smiled at how I look

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"Oh my god you look beautiful!" She gasped.

"You're gonna look so much better then me. Go put you're dress on. We've gotta get going" I smiled. She nodded and went into the other room. She came back out about 10 minutes later with a beautiful mermaid dress on. It was strapped and there was lace.

"Oh my gosh I was right! You look so good" I smiled. She pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you Stella" she whispered.

"C'mon we've gotta go and you're gonna ruin you're makeup if you start crying" I laughed. She nodded and we went down to the limo.

"Woah..." she said getting in and I nodded. We drove to the church it's at and got out. The guests were already there and Pietro was at the front from what I've heard.

"Alright maid of honor and groomsmen. You're on" someone said and I smiled to Alex.

"Good luck Victoria" I smiled. Alex and I linked arms and the doors opened for us. I saw Pietro up front where he should be. I saw Braden in the pews and the rest of the avengers and I smiled to them. I saw Jewels and Toni and Addie and they looked kinda sad. Alex leaned over and whispered something in my ear.

"Pretty horrible to make you're gonna be husbands ex wife you're maid of honor. Idk what she was thinking." He whispered and I nodded.

"She doesn't even go here!" He whispered quoting mean girls. We were half way down the isle and I tried so hard not to laugh. I looked at him and almost burst into laughs again.

"Stop it! I shouldn't be laughing I'm a terrible" I whispered to him. The isle ended and I went to where I stood. I gave a little nod to Pietro and looked at the doors where Victoria will come in. I smiled at Tony and he smiled back. The music started and everyone stood up. The doors opened and she stood there looking amazing. Pietro wiped a tear. She started walking down and once she got to the front she handed me her flowers.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now