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Stella's POV

"Pietro!" i said starting to cry. He ran up to me and kissed me.

"Your alright yes?" he asked looking me over.

"Im alright. Im so sorry. i didn't mean to. Everything just i don't even know" I said putting my hands on his chest. He pulled me into a hug and put his chin on my head.

"Hey its alright you didn't do anything. It was all Hydra" he said to me. He's literally the best.

"i love you so much." i said kissing him. i craved his lips.

"I love you more" he said

"Not possible" i said smiling into the kiss. He chuckled.

"Mom!" i heard someone yell. i pulled away and saw Adeline running to me. I opened my arms to her and she ran into them.

"I missed you so much" i said to her.

"i missed you so much more" she said. She pulled away from the hug and i put my arm around her.

"Come on. lets go home" Tony said. I smiled at him and we all got into the car.

"So what now Eric?" i asked.

"I have a sister i wanna get back to" he said.

"Well good luck" i said smiling at him. he go out and walked off. We all arrived at the tower and walked in. All of the Avengers were there.

"its bed time for a certain kid." i said and she groaned.

"Alright. Night mom and dad. i love you" she said and walked upstairs.

"Can we all meet in the conference room in 10 minutes?" i asked

"of course" Steve said and they walked off. i went up to my room and put on some sweatpants and a shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun. I took off all of the makeup to where you could clearly see the bruises and cuts. I sighed and walked down to the conference room. I opened the door and every ones attention was brought to me. They all stared at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer" i said. I stood in front of everyone.

"So Stells why did you need to talk to us" Alex asked.

"Because Hydra is not done with us. They are gonna come after each and every one of us." I said sighing.

"What are you suggesting?" Tony asked

"I have to go some place far away from here. I won't be able to contact or anything. I'm gonna need Addy to stay here" i said.

"When do you leave" Alex asked.

"Tomorrow morning" i said.

"Alright everyone get some sleep" Steve said. Pietro and i went to bed.

Next Morning.

I woke up at 8 and started packing. I finished about 20ish minuted later.

"Pietro sweetie. Wake up" I said giving him a kiss.

Wearing this

Wearing this

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