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13 years have passes since i had the twins. There 13 years old, Addie is 21, Pietro and i dont age so were technically only 20. When Addie turned 18 she moved back to New York to work at Stark Industries which is fine. I have not talked to any of the Avengers in these 13 years. I feel like its safer for the twins if i don't.

I stood at the sink doing the dishes and watched the twins play in the back yard. 2 Pairs of arms snaked around my waist and i smiled.

"Hey beautiful" He said.

"Hey" I whispered.

"What are the Kid's doing?" He asked.

"There playing out back" I said smiling.

"Looks like there lunch is ready" He said.

"Yeah im gonna call them in to wash up" I said. i went over to the back door and opened it.

"Toni! Jewels lunch is ready" i yelled out. They came running inside.

"Go wash up kids" Pietro said and they ran off. I put there plates on the table and they ran back.

"What's for lunch mom?" Jewels asked.

"Macaroni and cheese" I said smiling at them.

"My favorite" Toni said. I sat by Pietro and they started eating.

"Has Addie talked to you?" I asked Piety.

"No. She seems busy." Pietro said.

"At least she's able to deal with Tony" I said chuckling.

"True. I'm not sure how you dealt with him for so long" he said.

"Idk we were very close so. I wonder how Vivian's doing" I said.

"She's 19 now isn't she?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah" I said taking a bite of food.

"Mom who's Vivian?"  Toni asked.

"She's your cousin" I said to him and he nodded.

"Why don't we ever meet her?" Jewels asked.

"They live far away. One day you'll meet them darling" I said.

"Who wants to go to the park after lunch?" Pietro asked them.

"Me!" They both said and I smiled.

"Alright we'll finish up and we will go" he said we finished and they put there shoes on.

"Stay safe please?" I asked

"Always am" he said and kissed me.

"Bye bye ma" they said and hugged me.

"Bye kiddos see ya later" I said and hugged them. Pietro kissed me and they left. I started cleaning the house. A couple hours pass and I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Stella it's Coulson." He said and I smiled.

"Hey Coulson what's up?" I asked.

"The Avengers, Addie and Vivian and Pepper were kidnapped. We need your help along with Pietro's" he said and my smile dropped.

"What do you mean kidnapped!" I asked. I looked over and the twins and Pietro were walking in.

"Kidnapped." Phill said and I sighed.

"We will be there in a couple hours" I said and hung up.

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