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Stella's POV

"something's trying to get into the atmosphere"  the girl said holding up a hologram. Things started attacking outside the dome.

"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone" vision said.

"Vision get your ass back on the table" Nat said.

"We will hold them off" T'Challa said.

"Wanda as soon as that stones out of his head... blow it to hell" Steve said.

"Evacuate the city, engage all defenses and somebody get this man a shield!" T'Challa yelled out pointing to Steve. I smiled.

"Yes! Just like old times. You know this is kinda like the battle of New York" I said to Steve. I was already in my suit.

"It kinda is. Except this isn't Thor's brother trying to kill us" Steve said smiling to me.

"True... that sucked" I said lacing up my boot.

"I'm ready. Addy you Alright?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yup just trying to decide something" she said and I nodded. I sat there starting to think myself. All the memories with Tony.

"Stark, you ready?" Someone asked. I was brought out of my thought by Nat.

"Yeah. Just thinking about Tony" I said giving a sad smile.

"Ok well it's time...." she said.

"Alright" I said standing up. I wiped the tear streaming down my face and walked out of the room. I grabbed the weapons and headed to the jet type ship thing. Addy stood next to Pietro and i.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready" Addy started saying.

"Adeline now is not the time kid" I said

"Sorry mom..." she said. I shook my head. Pietro grabbed my hand. I looked at him and sighed. They took us to the battlefield area. We got out and I stood next to Pietro and Steve.
T'Challa, Nat and Steve decided to walk to the edge of the dome thing to speak to the lady. Obviously we couldn't hear what they were saying but after a few minutes they came back after the lady put her arm up and these monster things came out of the ships.

"They surrender?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Not exactly" Steve said. The animal things started forcing there selfs into the dome surrounding Wakanda.

"What the hell?" Pietro asked.

"Looks like we pissed her off" Nat said

"There killing there selfs" Adeline said. Everyone shot at the ones who managed to make it in.

"If these thing go around the perimeter and get in from the back there's nothing stopping them from getting to vision" Bruce said.

"Then we keep them in front of us" Steve said.

"How do we do that?" The girl asked T'Challa.

"We open the barrier" T'Challa said.

"On my signal open north west section 17" he said. His sister said something in the ear piece but I didn't pay attention. T'Challa yelled something and the people in front dropped the shields. Steve got his ready.

"Wakanda forever!" He yelled out before everyone started running to those things. Pietro and Addy were running in front of everyone cause there speed and everything. Steve and T'Challa were next. They jumped up in the air and hit them. I came around and shot at them. Awhile passed and we were still fighting them when I heard lighting. Looks like the party arrived. I smiled when I saw Thor. Lighting came down to his ax and all of the aliens around him fell.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now