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Stella's POV

"Hey Mark wanna go to New York for tonight with me?"

"Seriously? were going to this party?" Mark asked as he clocked out.

"Yup. Come on we have a plane to catch" I said dragging him behind me.

"Stells let me walk on my own" he said laughing.

"But its fun dragging you along behind me" i said letting out a laugh as we got in the car. We talked about the ball tonight on the way to the plane. We arrived and got out of the car.

"Hello Miss.Stark its so good to see you once again" the pilot said.

"Hello Grey. Its nice to see you again. Does Tony know im on my way back?" i asked

"No, no ones told him yet." He said.

"Alright lets keep it that way" I said.

"Woah Stella this is amazing" Mark said walking in and siting down. I sat across from him.

"Well that's what happens when you're a Stark" I said smiling.

"Miss.Stark would you like some champagne?" I got asked.

"I'd love some" I answered smiling. There's something I figured out awhile ago. When I got all of those injections it gave me ice type powers.

2 hours later.

"C'mon mark. We're here" I said. We landed on top of Stark Industries. Not the smartest but there's no other places. No ones supposed to know were here.

"Where are we?" Mark asked.

"On top of Stark Industries. We've gotta go shopping" I said.

"I work in a grocery store. I cant afford a tux" he said as we walked into stark industries.

"Your hanging out with a stark im paying" i said. We walked down the halls of the building.

"I cant let you pay for me Stella. especially for how much it gonna cost" he said

"Mark im paying for you. I don't care about the price, Your just gonna need to be my date also my names Juliette tonight"i said to him. He let out a sigh.

"Fine but im paying you back" he said.

"No your not" i said. Someone looked at me wide eyed.

"Miss.Stark" Someone asked.

"Im sorry you have the wrong person" i said. We walked out of the building and got a taxi.

"So why are we going to this ball thing tonight" he asked.

"To see my family. I needed a date. I cant tell them who i am thats why i told you to call me Juliette" I said.

"That makes a lot of since" he said shrugging. We went shopping for a couple hours. He got his outfit and i got mine.

"We should probably get to the hotel" he said and i nodded. We got a taxi and we headed to the hotel. We went up to our room.

"Im gonna start getting ready" he said.

"Im gonna inn a minute i have to make a call" i said. i went out to the hallway and dialed in a number. After the 3rd ring someone answered.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Happy? its Stella" i said smiling.

"Stella its good to hear from you." He said.

"You to. Hows everything going?" i asked

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now