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We walked out of shield and got into my car.

"I like your car" she said

"Thank you" I said.

"You're welcome" she said with a smile. A incoming call comes in through my car Tony Stark is calling it read. I answered it.

"What's up T?" I asked.

"Party tonight at the tower. Look hot" he said.

"I'm married and pregnant who do I need to look hot for?" I asked

"You're husband" he said and I smiled.

"Alright. Viv can borrow one of Addies dresses" I said.

"Yeah, Yeah. We're already at the tower so we will see you when you get here" he said.

"Alright see ya" I said and hung up.

"If I decide to and ask you later on will you tell me who my dad is?" She asked.

"Yeah i will" I said and smiled at her. I pulled into the garage and we got out.

"Hey Stels?" Viv asked

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Can you give me a piggy back ride inside?" She asked.

"Of course I will!!" I said excited. I took my heels off to hold them and she hopped on. I walked in and we both were laughing. I walked into the main area where all the Avengers were. Alex and Pietro smiled to me.

"And we're here!" I said excitedly. She hopped off my back and looked around.

"It's beautiful Stella thank you for letting me stay here" she said and I smiled to her.

"You don't have to thank me it's the least I could do" I said. We sat on the ground as the avengers sat on the couches.

"Hey Stells?" Viv asked

"What's up kiddo?" I asked.

"You said you know my dad.... at least tell me about him" she said and I glanced at the avengers as tony looked down.

"Well kid, He's sarcastic and his ego is the size of the moon. He's a jerk sometimes but with everything I've gone through he's always there for me. Every fight we've done he's always ready to give up his life for someone else's. I know that he would make a great father. He's amazing with my daughter. I know he regrets not knowing you when you were younger but he didn't even know you were a person so you cannot be mad at him once you find out who he is Ok?" I asked.

"Ok. Thank you" she said and I smiled to her. Addie walked in.

"Hey!" She said excited.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Addie this is Vivian. A friend of mines kid. Vivian this is Adeline but she's gonna tell you to call her Addie" I said with a chuckle. Addie smiled at the girl.

"It's nice to meet you Vivian" she said.

"There's a party here tonight will you lend Vivian some clothes, please?" I asked.

"Of course. C'mon Vivian" Addie said and they both walked off. I walked to my room and Tony followed me. We walked in and I started with my makeup.

"Did you mean what you said?" He asked.

"Of course I did. Every single word" I said. We talked a little more as I finished my makeup and started curling my hair.

"You're moving out soon aren't you?" He asked sadly.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now