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A week later and it's moving day. Everything's already at out home in Paris. I said bye to everyone and nows Tony's turn.

"Congratulations On you're kid T" I said smiling.

"Congratulations On you're Twins Stells" he said.

"Thanks" I said. He pulled me into a hug and stood there.

"I hope everything turns out well for you Stella. You deserve it after everything that's happened to you in life" he said.

"You too Tony" I said.

"Probably not gonna see you for a couple years" he said

"Well non of the Avengers age so a couple years is nothing when you'll eventually get to spend an eternity with the ones you love eventually" I whispered In his ear.

"True. I love you Stella" he said as he pulled away.

"I love you too Tony" I said.

"Tell the twins about us and everything?" He asked.

"Of course" I said.

"Goodbye" he said.

"Bye T" I said. I walked to the jet that Addie and Pietro were in and got in. I sat back in the seat and smiled as the plane took off. Eventually we got there and headed to the house. Pietro wrapped his arm around me as I unlocked the door. I opened it and we walked In. I looked at him and smiled.

9 months later.

"Pietro Babe?" I asked.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I think the Twins are coming" I said and groaned in pain. His eyes widened and he rushed over to me.

"Ok uh we've gotta get to the car. Addie it's time!" He yelled out and Addie rushed in.

"The baby's are coming?" She asked.

"Yeah" he said. He brought me to the car and I got in. Addie was staying home till there born. I screamed out in pain.

"It's alright Draga we're almost there" he said and sped down the street. We arrived at the hospital and he grabbed a wheelchair. He ran me into the hospital and I groaned.

"My wife's in labor" Pietro said and I groaned from pain.

"Of course What's you're name" she asked. You could hear a little accent in her voice.

"Stella Maximoff-Stark" I said wincing. The nurse brought me into a room and I put on a hospital gown and laid in bed. Pietro grasped my hand whispering sweet things in my ear till the doctor came in.

"Hello Mrs. Maximoff I'm Dr. Chil I'll be delivering you're twins today" he said and I nodded. He checked what I'm at.

"Oh it looks like you're ready to push" he said sitting on his chair. Pietro smiled at me.

"Alright I'm gonna count down from 3 and when I get to one you start pushing. Ready? 3. 2. 1. Push!" He said. I squeezed Pietros hand and screamed out in pain.

"Nice job Stella. Only a little more to go till the first ones out. Push" he said. I continued pushing and started crying.

"I see the head! Just a little more" he said.

"C'mon Stells you can do it" Pietro said kissing my forehead.

"I can't it hurts" I said.

"I know Draga" Pietro said.

"Alright Stella one more push and you're done with the first. One giant push. Ready go!" The doc said and I pushed with all my might. I heard a baby cry and I stopped.

"Good job Stella. Baby number one is out and it's a girl" the doc said and I smiled.

"Stella you have to start pushing again. 3, 2, 1, Push" he said and I did. 12 minutes later I heard another cry. I stopped pushing and the doctor stood up holding the baby.

"The last baby is out and it's a baby boy" he said. I looked up at Pietro and smiled.

"You did it Babe.... you did amazing" I said.

"I did it" I said.

"Would you like to hold you're babies?" a nurse asked.

"Yes please" i said. She handed me the baby boy and Pietro held the girl.

"Do you have names?" Someone asked.

"Yeah for a boy Toni and a girl Juliette" I said.

"Beautiful name. Ill give you guys a minute" She said and i smile.

"Hello little one i'm your mommy and this is your daddy. We love you so much. We promise to always protect you" I said Stroking Toni's cheek. I looked up at Pietro and smiled. 

"Ma'am were gonna move you into a different room" The nurse said and i nodded. They brought me and the babies and Pietro into a room and Addie rushed is. She smiled at us and came over.

"Whats there names?" she asked.

"Your Brother is Toni and your sister is Juliette" Pietro said.


We got discharged and we were headed home. 

"I'm so glad that in the end everything turned out fine" Pietro said.

"This isnt the end. Somethings gonna happen and were gonna need to save the world once more" i said as he pulled into the driveway. 

"You take Juliette and ive got Toni" Pietro said and i nodded. I got out of the car and went to the back and took Jewels out of her seat.

"Were home little girl" I said. I turned around and saw one of Tony's robots across the street. I smiled knowing Tony was checking up on me. I looked down at Jewels looked up and winked at it.

"Draga you coming?" Pietro asked. I turned around and saw Pietro holding Toni.

"Yeah" I said. i walked up to him, kissed him and we went inside.


"Cmon Tony we have to check on them" Viv said. We were in the main room with the rest of the Avengers.

"Yeah Tony can we?" Wanda asked.

"Alright fine" I said and everyone cheered.  I turned on the Tv and wired it to show what the Robot in front of there house could see. There car pulled into the drive way and they got out. Stella went to the back and took something out. 

"She had the Twins!" Nat said and i smiled at the tv. She saw my robot and smiled. She looked down at the baby wrapped up in the pink blanket looked back up at the robot and winked.

"Draga you coming" Pietro asked behind her holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. She turned around to him.

"Yeah" She said. She went up to him and kissed him then they went inside.

"There happy" Steve said.

"Yes they are" I answered 

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now