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3rd Person POV

The Avengers and kids all headed back to New York after the thing in Wakanda. For the next 2 years Addie got engaged, The twins got older, Alex met someone and the rest of the Avengers got families. They all missed Stella more then anything. Addie, Jewels and Toni missed there mom and the Avengers missed there sister, family or best friend. Pietro met someone and fell in love once again

As for Stella's body... Hydra attacked and got the freezer thing. They brought it to the base unfroze her an gave her a cure. They have been training her for a year and she's gotten really good. They wiped her memories and shes now hydras best fighter. Which for her is good because they stopped beating her. She might also have feelings for her partner and he feels the same. Its just no one at Hydra can know about those two...

"Stop" She said as he tickled her.

"Nah im good" Brian said. Stella pushed up and kissed him.

"That's a good way to stop me" He said and continued to kiss her.

"STELLA AND BRIAN REPORT TO MISSION ROOM" the voice came through the speaker. I groaned.

"C'mon Bri get your suit on" he said laughing. He got up and put it on while he put mine on. My blonde hair was in big curls.

They went to the room to get told what there mission is

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They went to the room to get told what there mission is.

"There is a USB we need. It has all of the Avengers weaknesses on it" the guy said.

"We sent the Avengers a message not too long ago telling when and where to meet"

"Alright. We've got this" i said. I grabbed my weapons as did Brian and we went to the jet.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"I was born ready" I said as we took off. The jet ride consisted of me spinning my knife between my fingers and talking to Brian. The jet landed in the middle of New York and we got out.

"So who's gonna do the talking?" He asked

"Ooh i will. You did last mission" I said. We put on our masks and walked to the middle of Central Park. All of the Avengers stood there.

"Ahh Avengers its nice to see you" I said smirking under my mask

"Who are you?" Iron man asked. Or Tony Stark.

"B do we really need our masks on? Not like they know who we are" I said.

"We are Hydra's little minions" He said and tore his mask off.

"You're turn, love" He said smirking. I untied mine and threw it down.

"Finally" I said. I turned to the Avengers and gasped.

"Why the hell did they gasp?" Brian asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Anyways. Give me the USB or my knife will go into one of you're hearts."i said

"Ooh this is fun" Brian said

"Eanie meanie miney moe" i said pointing my knife at someone. I walked up to him and put my knife against his chest.

"What's you're name, love?" i asked.

"Alex" he said.

"Well pretty boy. Can i have the USB pretty please?" I asked.

"nah im good" he said. He pulled out a syringe and stabbed it into my neck.

"All of this for a stupid USB" i groaned and everything went black. I woke up handcuffed to a chair in a room with a 2 way mirror.

"I know you guys are watching... Come on out contestant number one!" i said. In walked a dude with an eye patch.

"Wow i didn't know they had pirates around here" I said.

"Shut it!" he sapped.

"Wow that was rude" I groaned

"What's you're name?" he asked.

"I will answer to someone nicer" i said smirking.

"You're stuck with me" he said.

"No i am not. All of you're little Avengers friends are watching through that mirror. Now you wanna send someone nicer in?" i asked. He stormed out and I sat there smiling. A minute later a boy about 16 walked in. I instantly turned my bitchiness off.

"Hello" I said giving a soft smile.

"Hello, I'm Toni. What's you're name?" he asked.

"Jessica, Jessica Frazo" I said.

"What's you're story Jessica?" He asked sitting across from me.

"I remember coldness and then waking up. The people were zapping my brain and hitting me. I don't even think Jessica is my real name. One raped me I think. I think it happened before they took my memories away. I think I had an older brother before this... what about you? You seem pretty young?" I said. He looked sad....

"My mom died. I was left with my father, my uncle and aunt and 2 sisters then the rest of the avengers" he said.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's not you're fault" he said.

"Anyways I know who you were before the whole brain washing thing" he said.

"Can you tell me please? I cannot go back to that horrible place" I said.

"Of course. You're name was Stella Stark. Sister to Tony Stark. You were married to another avenger. Hell you were an avenger and a damn good one too. You had 3 kids. 2 girls and a boy. You're husband hit you when he was under some sort of serum and you almost got a divorce. Until you found out you were dying. You have ice powers so you went to Wakanda to freeze you're body till they found a cure" he said.

"Then I got kidnapped....." I said.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked and I sighed.

"I'm sorry I don't. It seems like a wonderful life. Hydra.... it made me into a monster. They made me better then The Winter Soldier was and they treated me horrible. I killed innocent people half the time and I don't think I could ever forgot that..... after the 30th kill I stopped feeling bad. I put all of those feelings in the back of my head didn't bring em out till now. Not like anyone would understand" I said playing with my fingers.

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