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Julie's POV

We got back to the tower and T and i looked around.

"It's nice here" I said.

"It is. So what about you're parents?" Pietro aka dad asked us as we sat around with everyone except Tony.

"Oh you know they fell in love. Got married had us. My dad died so it was just us 3. We had a sister but she died" Toni said.

"Friday why don't you show them there rooms" Stella said.

"I'll beat you there!" Toni said.

"Uh you have super speed!" I groaned I shot my power at him and it slowed him down.

Stella's POV

"They remind me of you guys" Clint said pointing to pietro and I.

"Please were nothing alike with them" I said.

"She's got a point. I'm not sure where you got that from old man" pietro said.

A month later

Julie's POV.

Toni and I were sitting in the main room playing thumb war.

"You cheater!" He yelled out.

"How can I cheat?" I asked surprised.

"You just- fine you didn't cheat" he said groaning.

"Mr Stark needs you down in the lab" Friday said. I looked at Toni and we got up and walked down.

"What's up Mr.Stark?" I asked

"We got the time machine done. We all can head back now" Tony said and I looked at T.

"That's great! I miss mom" T said

"Me too let's do this" I said. All of the Avengers stood around and Tony pressed a button. Everything went black and I grunted when I hit the cold concrete. I laid there for a minute not wanting to get up.

"J get up. We're close to home" I heard t say. I stood up and all of the Avengers were dusting off.

"Ready?" T asked.

"Yeah" I said. We walked home with everyone and I pressed a button.

"Names?" Someone asked.

"Juliette Maximoff- Stark level 9" I said. No one mentioned my name.

"Toni Maximoff-Stark level 8. Request entrance" Toni said.

"Access granted" the machine said. The door opened and we all walked in. We walked into the kitchen and mom stood at the sink washing dishes.

"Mom?" She whipped around.

"Toni? Jewels?" She asked and  we nodded she ran over to us, she pulled us into a hug.

"I thought I'd never see you again" she said. She still didn't notice the Avengers. She stood up and smiled at us. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Er you guys wanna explain something" she asked.

"UhwehelpedthemnotdieduringthewarandnowtheywannahelpusdefeatthemandToniscrewedupthetimeframe" I said really fast. She turned to Toni.

"You did what!" She asked.

"I'm sorry. It all just slipped out. At least I didn't tell them were you're kids" Toni said.

"He does have a point mom" I said.

"You guys are gonna be the death of me one of these days" she said groaning.

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