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Half way through our honeymoon we got bored so we headed home. The flight didn't take that long. We got off the jet and too my car.

"C'mon lets go to the tower" I slowly said.

"really?" He asked.

"Yeah... I'm still pissed that they went on a family trip to Paris and Addie got married without me but I'll get over it" I shrugged. My phone started ringing and I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. I must not have been paying attention to the road. Fuck me right? The one time I'm not paying attention the world screws me over. I looked at Braden as everything happened in slow motion. He gave a small smile as the other car hit us. I hit my head and glass was going everywhere in slow motion. I somehow ended up on the grass. Braden was above me. His forehead bleeding and looking down at me worried.

He was holding something to his ear.... a phone? I'm not sure. Everything got blurry and dark. Slowly everything turned to darkness.


After the crash Braden wasn't hurt that bad. Couple cuts and bruises.

"Stella!" He called out limping over to her. He fell to his knees and grabbed his phone. He called 9-1-1 and told em everything that's happened. After he called Tony.


All the Avengers, there families and kids were sitting around watching Christmas movies... it was July....

"Mr.Stark, Mr.Carter is calling" Friday said.

"Put him through" he said and the call went through the speakers so everyone can hear.

"Braden?" Tony asked.

"Tony! Tony are you there!" He asked he was clearly crying.

"Yeah Braden I'm here. What's wrong what happened?" Tony asked.

"W-we came back from our honeymoon early and we were heading to the tower. Fury called her and she answered. A truck came and hit us. I got out fine b-but Stella she's laying in the middle of the street bleeding a-and I called 9-1-1" he finished. Everyone sat up fast. Before he could say something Braden started panicking even more.

"Stella! Baby keep yours eyes open! No! Don't close your eyes. Stella stay with me!" He cried out.

"Braden we will meet you at the closest hospital" Tony said. They could hear the ambulance sounds through the phone. Tony hung up and everyone went down to the garage and got into cars. They sped off to the hospital and literally arrived in 5 minutes. They ran in and too the front desk.

"Stella Stark" Tony yelled out. The doors opened and all of the Avengers and there families turned to it.

"She's going into cardiac arrest! Get the paddles and stop moving the gurney!" The paramedic yelled out. They all noticed that on the gurney laid Stella.

"Clear!" He said and shocked her.


"Charge to 300!" One of them said.

"Clear!" The guy on top said.


"Charge to 400. Then we will do compressions" he said.

"Clear!" He yelled out.


He started CPR.

"C'mon Stark you've gotta make it through this" the paramedic said.

"It's up to you weather you live or die" another said.

"We've got a heartbeat!" One yells out.

"Get her to a trauma room" Someone said. They ran off to a room. All the avengers just stood there. Braden ran in his forehead bleeding, bruises all over the place. He held a jacket in one hand. He looked up from the ground at everyone. Jewels ran over to him and hugged him.

"Mom will be ok. She'll get through this" she said to him.

"Come on. Uh let's go find the room they brought her too" Tony said. Vivian grabbed his hand. All the avengers and everyone else made there way to the room to wait outside. There were windows going into the room.

"She's crashing again!" A nurse said. Other nurses and doctors ran in to help.

"Ok let's shock her again!" Someone yelled. He was handed the paddles.

"Clear" one yelled out. It shocked her and they waited for a heartbeat. Nothing.

"Charge to 400" he said. They shocked her again. She sat up and opened her eyes gasping for air. She looked in the window to her family and gave a small sad smile. She mouthed 'I'll be ok' She looked at her hands and they shot ice at the wall. She fell back and crashed again.

"She's crashing again. Start compressions" someone yelled. Alex broke down in tears.

45 minutes later still nothing.

"I'm calling it" a doctor said.

"Time of death 12:48 pm" the doctor said. Toni, Jewels, Tony, Braden and Alex broke down.

"That's my mom you can't let her die!" Toni yelled crying.

"You have to save her..." he fell to his knees crying. They started unhooking the machines.

"No!!" Jewels screamed crying. Pietro took her in his arms as he was crying too.

"Shhh" he tried to sooth her but it wasn't working. Pepper walked over to Tony. He stood there crying silently. She pulled him into her arms.

Everyone just stood there.

Not moving.

Time stopped.

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