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I've laid in bed for 3 days straight. I've only gotten up to pee or drink water but I don't leave my room. I decided that I should probably get up to get them some sign that I'm living because I told Friday to leave me alone after I got back from court. I put some sweatpants and a t-shirt on.

I grabbed my phone and put some slippers on

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I grabbed my phone and put some slippers on. I walked out of my room and went to the elevator.

"What floor?" Friday asked.

"Kitchen please?" I asked. The elevator went down and soon enough opened. I walked out and everyone was there.

"Stella hey" Alex said. Which caused everyone to look up at me.

"Hey Alex" I gave a small smile.

"Are you hungry? I can make you some food" he said.

"Uh no i can just make something. That's though Alex" I said.

"Ok if you need anything I'm right here with everyone else" he said and everyone else gave me a small smile. I grabbed an apple and took a bite. I stood against the wall and ate it as everyone stared at me. The elevator opened and Toni walked out.

"Kid?" I smiled.

"Mom!" He said and hugged me.

"Why? How are you here?" I asked.

"I was walking to school and I wanted to stop by. Jewels didn't know I'm stopping by. She left before me" he said. I pulled him back into a hug.

"I've missed you" I said to him.

"I missed you too. I've gotta get to school" he said.

"Here I'll drive you" I smiled. He nodded and I turned to everyone else.

"I'll be back later" I said. We headed to my car got in and I drove off. I put the top down as we drove.

"So How is it living with you're dad and Veronica?" I asked

"Oh it's terrible." He chuckled. We arrived and people stared at us shocked.

"Alright. Bye kid. I love you. I'll see you sometime" I chuckled.

"Wanna come in with me? You can say hi to Jewels" he said. I gave it a thought.

"Sure" I smiled. He was in his football shirt cause there's a game tonight.  I parked the car and got out. People were still staring but I'm used to that. We walked inside.

"Her and I have the same first hour together so" he said and I nodded. We walked to the first hour and most people and the teacher was there.

"Mom!" Jewels squealed. She ran over to me and hugged me. She was in her cheerleading uniform.

"I've missed you" I whispered to her.

"I missed you too" she said. She took a step back.

"Stella Stark it's nice to see you again" there teacher said.

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