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Stella's POV

I sat there on Pietro's lap when everyone else was talking about a plan. All of the sudden my phone rang. I looked at it and it said Pepper.

"Excuse me" I said walking to the corner.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Stella thank god." She said.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"It's Tony. He's on a freaking spaceship in space! With peter Parker" She said.

"WHAT!! HOW THE HELL.... you know what I've gotta go. I'll call ya later" I said.

"Try and call him please. Stark tech manages to have signal anywhere" she said

"Yeah. I'll try but I'm not promising" I said sighing. I hung up and sighed. I knew he would not get a call so I didn't try. I put my phone in my back pocket and sighed biting my nail.

"Stark what's wrong?" Rhodey asked

"Tony is in space on a spaceship with Peter Parker" I said.

"He's so stupid" I said.

"Mom he'll be alright." Addy said.

"I hope so" I groaned.

"Anyways I know a place we can go to get this done" Steve said. He gave me a look and I knew exactly where were going

"Yes! Last time I was there was for Ultron" I said excited everyone let out a laugh.

"Wait where are we going?" Addy asked

"Wakanda" I said smiling.

"Wait that's like a real place? Not just one that Uncle Tony made up with the stories?" Addy asked and I chucked.

"No kid. It's a real place. I'm friends with the king actually" I said

"You WHAT??" She squealed.

"You know the king of Wakanda?" She asked.

"Actually we all do. It's a long story that ends in everyone was torn apart and your dad and everyone else lived in my safe house after they escaped jail and Alex refusing to punch me" I said groaning.

"You were 7 months pregnant!!" He yelled.

"Please. I could've taken it" I said sighing.

"Anyways.... lets get going Shall we? It's a long way to Wakanda?" I asked. Adeline linked her arm with mine. We walked to the jet like that. Everyone got in and Sam flew it.

"So mom how did you meet dad?" Addy asked.

"Oh uh well-" I started but Pietro cut me off.

"I've got it Draga" he said he plopped down on the chair next to Wanda and began.

"This happened along time ago. Tony made a robot to help the work but it turned evil-" Addy cut him off.

"Yeah Ultron" she said.

"Bingo anyways Wanda and I were working with him cause we wanted revenge on the Stark's. Eventually we realized how evil he was and turned to the Avengers side of the fight. We were on Ultron's team when I first saw her. Actually she was one of the reasons why I wanted to change sides. We went to Clint's safe house and then I kissed her. the next day was the battle of Sokovia. I asked her once it was over we should go get pizza. Well I got shot multiple times and well died. She moved to California for a couple years till everyone brought her back. They somehow brought me back to life. She came back and I surprised her. Next day we moved to California well I did and a couple months later she was pregnant with you. About 6 months in she got a call saying something she needed to sign the Sokovia Accords. She signed it but I couldn't. So Steve, Sam, Alex, this one dude named Scott and I didn't sign it. War broke out and It ended with us going to jail. I've missed you're mother ever sense and you" he said. I smiled to him and he smiled back.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now