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3rd person POV

Everyone just stood there looking at where Stella just was.

"Capt? Wh-what do we do now?" Nat asked.

"We've uh gotta head back to New York" he said.

"Pietro c'mon we have to go" Bruce said. Pietro slowly followed behind them and they finally made it to the jet.

Skip long jet trip

The jet landed on top of Avengers Tower and everyone got out and slowly trudged inside. They got into the elevator and to the main area. When they got there they saw Pepper. The 6 of them all bruised and broken stopped walking.

"Oh thank god you all are all right" she said jumping up. They all just sat around talking till the elevator dinged and out walked Tony Stark.

"Tony! You're all right! What were you thinking?!" Pepper asked walking over to him.

"I thought I could stop him. But yet he still was able to do the snap" he said. It was silent for a minute.

"Wheres Stella?" He asked worried.

"Tony..." Steve said looking down.

"Steve where's my little sister" he asked angry now.

"She went with the snap. Tony she didn't make it out" Steve said. Tony stood there for a couple minutes silent.

"What about Adeline?" He asked Pietro looked down.

"She went too" Steve said. For the first time they all say Tony Stark cry. He broke down and started bawling. Everyone felt bad for him. Pepper walked over to him and pulled him into a hug while he cried. They all loved Stella like a sister. Pietro's love for her was more and everyone knew that. Even if you didn't know who Stella Stark and Pietro Maximoff was you could have seen it on the streets that they love each other.

Stella's POV
I woke up groaning in the middle of a grassy field. I remembered disappearing in Pietro's arms.

I stood up and wiped the dirt off my clothes. I looked around and saw a house in the distance so I did what anyone would do in this situation. I made my way over there. It took about 10 minutes to walk there. I could've ran but. Someone stopped me half way.

"Uh Who are you?" I asked.

"The question is how did we get here. I was trying to find this dude who made me ugly. His name is Frances. Then I disappeared and woke up here. What about you?" The guy asked.

"I was fighting Thanos and he snapped and I disappeared and woke up here. Oh my god my fiancé and my kid and my brother. I need to get back" I said panicking.

"Calm down girly. What's You're name? Mines Wade Wilson" he said.

"I'm Stella Stark" I said.

"Well nice to meet you Stella." He said.

"You too wade. We uh should probably head to that house" I said. He nodded and we made it to there. I opened the door and we made our way in. We went to the living room and I saw Sam, T'Challa, Wanda, Strange, Bucky, Peter (both) and some other people.

"strange?" I asked everyone turned around and looked at me.

"Stella" Wanda jumped up and hugged me.

"What happened? Where are we? Wait where's my kid?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"Mommy?" I heard someone ask from behind me. I whipped around and saw Adeline. I opened my arms and she ran to me and hugged me. She started crying.

"Shh sweetie it's alright I'm right here" I said.

"But what about dad? Or uncle Tony? Peter!" She pulled away and hugged him

"Ok I'm offended. Strange what do we do? How do we get back?. Where even are we?" I asked

"I'm uh figuring that out how to get back. But I'm pretty sure we're in the Mind Stone" he said and I groaned.

"I just wanna get back to my boyfriend and my brother" I said plopping down on the couch.

"You will. We will get back to everyone" Wanda said. I sighed not knowing weather to believe her to not. I sighed and stood up.

"I need a shower and some different clothes." I said sighing.

"Cmon mom I'll show you the room I'm staying in. We can share a room" Adeline said. I nodded and followed her up the stairs. We went to a room and she opened the door. I walked in and there were two beds. Addy walked in and I sat on the bed.

"I wish you stayed with pepper" I said sighing.

"But I'm here where you can watch me. Wouldn't you be more nervous to not have me with you?" She asked. She does have a point.

"I wish I was with Tony" I said sighing.

"Me too mom. Me too" she said. We sat there for awhile.

"Alright up. I've gotta shower" I said. I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. I got in and let the water fall onto my body. I washed everything and stood there thinking about everything. Tony, Pietro, how we failed...
I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I wiped the water off my body and wrapped a robe around my body. I went into the room and found some clothes. I put them on and sat there on the bed thinking even more. 

"Stella?" I looked up and Wanda stood there.

"Yes Wanda?" I asked looking up.

"Strange left and we don't know where he went" she said and I sighed

"So you're saying we're screwed?" I asked


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