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Stella's POV

I stood there hugging Tony like I was gonna disappear once more. I tried to pull apart.

"No, stay, hug me" he said and everyone chuckled.

"I'd love to but like I'd like to go home. Maybe change out of these clothes and everything?" I asked.

"Oh yeah of course" Tony said pulling away. Strange and Wong opened portals and we all walked through them and ended up in the tower.

"Oh how I've missed this place" I said plopping on the couch. Everyone else sat around.

"Hey Tony wher-" pepper said walking in but stopped.

"PEPPER!!" I said jumping up and hugging her.

"How where did you go?" Pepper asked

"The mind stone" I said.i sat back down by Pietro and Tony.

"So how long were we gone for? A month? Month and a half?" I asked.

"Try a year Draga" Pietro said.

"A year!? What do you mean a year!" I asked.

"Yup a year now there's a party here tonight to celebrate you all coming back" Tony said.

"Oh hell yes!" I cheered. I went into my room and showered.

After about 3 hours if getting ready it was party time.

I was wearing a pair of black Stilletos and my makeup looked amazing

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I was wearing a pair of black Stilletos and my makeup looked amazing. I smile to myself and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the floor and went up. The elevator dinged and I walked out to a bunch of people. I found Pietro and walked up to him smiling.

"You look beautiful Draga" he said. He kissed me and I kissed back.

"You don't look too bad you're self love." I said smiling to him. I got some champagne and we found the others.

"Hey guys" I said. Pietro wrapped his arm around me.

"Mom! You look beautiful!" Addy said.

"Thanks addy!" I said.

"I'll be back love" pietro said and kissed me. I sat down by Tony and Steve.

"Uh hey everyone I'm Pietro and i have an announcement" I heard Pietro. We all looked up to the stage area.

"Draga, Stella can you come up here please?" Pietro asked. I looked at tony and he looked as confused as I did. I slowly stood up and walked up there. He took my hands and went down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. I put my hand to my mouth.

"Stella Stark I've loved you since I first saw you when we were fighting that evil robot guy. I wanna grow old with you and have kids and wake up everyday next to you so Stella Rae Stark will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asked. I was on the verge of tears.

"Yes! Yes! Of course i will" I said smiling. He stood up and put the ring on my finger and everyone clapped. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you so much" I said smiling.

"I love you even more" he said.

"Not possible" I said. I pulled away and he grabbed my hand. We walked off stage and I wrapped his arm around my neck. We walked over to the other avengers. Smiling.

"My little sisters getting married" tony said hugging me.

"Look at that I am" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Congratulations Stella and Pietro" Wanda said

"Thank you Wanda" Pietro said.

"Mom! dad!" Adeline said excited.

"Addy" I said hugging her.

"We're gonna be a family" she whispered

"Family" I said rubbing her back. Through out the night people kept coming up to us saying congratulations and stuff. Once the party died down we all sat around at the table. In the main area.

"Hey Tony?" I asked.

"Yes?" He answered. Everyone was silent.

"Would you walk me down the isle when I get married?" I asked smiling and looking at him. He didn't answer right away. His face then turned into a smile.

"I'd be honored to walk my lil sis down the isle"he said. I smiled back at him. The elevator dinged and out walked a guy.

"Hello is Stella Stark here?" He asked. I stood up confused.

"Uh Yes. I'm Stella" I said walking closer. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head.

"Anyone moves and I shoot" he said. I put both hands up in the air.

"Hey man just put true gun down" I said I lowered my hands a bit.

"HANDS IN THE AIR" he yelled. I put them back up. He pulled the trigger and a bullet hit me in the shoulder.

"Ahh fuck!" I screamed out. He pulled a smoke bomb thing out and set it off. I felt a pinch then numbness.

I woke up tied to a chair. There was one light in the room and a video camera.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I asked. Someone walked in and pressed a button on the camera.

"Uh where am I?" I asked. He shoved a paper at me which I held with one hand cause my hands are tied up.

"Read that peasant" he said.

"Uh do you like not know who I am? You should you kidnapped me I am no pea-OOF" I said. I got punched in the stomach.

"Son of a- why the hell would you do that?" I asked.

"Because you are not cooperating. Now read" he said. I scoffed.

"Dearest Avengers.... I have been kidnapped. No duh" I said. I was then punched in the face. How rude.

"Don't be dramatic" he said so I continued.

"Dear Avengers... I've been kidnapped. I'm at a Hydra base but I'm not telling you where. I will be turned into a soldier not just any soldier The Winter Soldier 2.0. After I'm done reading this I will be injected with the uh serum. I won't be brainwashed so I can remember every kill that I do and it'll haunt me." I said kinda scared.

"I-I don't wanna become another Winter Soldier. I just got engaged and everything was going good. Please let me go" I said starting to cry. I was terrified. He came closer with a syringe in hand.

"No! No don't please don't! Let me go!" I said. He jabbed it into my arm and I groaned as the liquid from it went into my veins. Then everything went dark.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now