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Stella's POV. *9 years later*
Tony, Pepper, Adeline and I were out for a run. Pepper and Tony were talking about kids.

"Why don't we go out to a nice dinner tonight and show off that diamond of yours" he said smiling at her. He kissed her and I made a face to Adeline my 13 year old. She laughed and then a portal type thing opened up in front of us and a dude with a cape walked out.

"Tony, Stella and Adeline Stark? I need you to come with me" he said.

"Oh congratulations on the wedding" he said.

"I'm sorry are you handing out tickets or something?" Tony asked.

"It's safe to say the fate of the universe is at stake" the dude said.

"Tony?" Someone said walking out. Bruce Banner.

"Bruce!" I said excited. He went over to tony.

"Bruce how." Tony said but Bruce pulled him into a hug. We shrugged and Tony, Adeline and I went with this person.

Turns out his name is Stephen Strange and we call him Dr.Strange and this purple big dude is trying to get 6 colorful stones. One he gets them he can wipe out half the universe. Once Dr.Strange was explaining everything I spoke up.

"Do you think you could do one of you're portal things and send Adeline and I to James Rhodes?" I asked

"Yeah I can" he said and opened it.

"Tony you stay here and stay safe" I said to him

"You too Stella" he said and sighed. I took Addy's hand and we walked through. When we walked through Rhodey was on the other side.

"That was a pain" I said cracking my knuckles.

"Uncle Rhodey!!" Addy squealed and hugged him.

"Addy!" He said hugging her.

"How are you kid?" He asked.

"Good. Something bigs going down so we were sent here" she said shrugging.

"Stella I have some people coming in 5 minutes. I think you'll be excited who it is. Stay In the shadows" he said I nodded and Adeline and I went off to where the people won't see us. We sat there for 5 minutes.

"Mr.Secretary" I heard a familiar voice. My eyes widened and I smiled. He talked to the secretary for awhile till Rhodey hung up on Ross.

"Must have been a hard couple of years" Rhodey said.

"Well the hotels weren't exactly 5 Star" Sam said and I chuckled.

"You guys look like crap" Rhodey said.

"I think you guys look great" Bruce said walking from the corner.

"When did Bruce get here?" I whispered.

"I have no idea" Adeline said. Her superhero name is The Breeze.

"When do we show ourselves?" She asked.

"Now. Let me go first and you follow me" I said. I walked out.

"Well you guys look like you're in desperate need of a Stark right now" I said smirking looking at everyone.

"Stella Stark? Is that really you?" Steve asked.

"The one and only" I said smiling.

"Draga?" I heard someone say and I smiled.

"Pietro! I've missed you" I said hugging him. I pulled apart and went back to where I was standing.

"Did you come alone?" Alex asked.

"Of course not. Meet my partner in crime. The Breeze" I said moving out of the way to show Adeline. Steve walked up to her.

"Steve Rogers" he said shaking her hand

"I know. I'm a huge fan" she said.

"B stop fan girling" I said laughing. She smiled a bit.

"What's you're name? You're like a mini Stella" Nat said. I sighed.

"Everyone meet the breeze also known as Adeline Rae Stark" I said giving a small Smile. Everyone was shocked.

"You guys can call me Addy and I already know who all of you guys are. Big fan" she said. Everyone starred at her for a couple minutes.

"Mom? Why are they staring at me?" She asked.

"Because you already know them. Or did when you were a baby" I said.

"Seriously how?" She asked.

"Well Steve's my best friend. Alex and I are close. Nat's like my sister. Vision is a good friend. Sam is Caps best friend. Wanda is your aunt and my really good friend and Pietro is...." I hesitated.

"Spit it out mom" she said laughing.

"Pietro is you're dad" I said sighing. Her eyes widened.

"You- you mean to tell me my parents are Stella Stark and Pietro Maximoff. One of the greatest love stories ever? So I've heard from the media" She asked shocked.

"Yup" I said.

"As in Quicksilver?" She asked.

"In the flesh princesa" he said giving a small smile. I smiled at the both of them.

"Dad?" She asked in a small voice. He nodded and she ran over to him. He pulled her into a hug.

"I'm right here" he said

"The reunion is great and all but we have someone who's trying to kill half the universe that we need to stop" Alex said and I rolled my eyes.

"Alex you ruin everything" I groaned.

"He's right mom, a fight is coming" Addy said.

"I know Addy. I uh think you should go back to Aunt Pepper" I said

"What! No! Mom, I'm fighting with you" she said.

"Adeline I think it's better if you go. This purple dude can kill any one of us with a snap of his fingers" I said looking at her.

"No. Where a family. I stick with you during the fights and you stick with me." She said.

"Kid. I can send you back to New York and you can wait with Tony and Pepper and Happy" I said.

"Mom I'm fighting with you" she said taking my hand. I groaned.

"Fine. But if you die I will personally bring you back and kill you myself. Got it?" I asked.

"Yep. Who did you say that too originally?" She asked.

"I said that to Alex then Tony then Pietro. Your dad didn't follow it and got shot multiple times but tony and Bruce brought him back. I just have yet to kill him" I said shaking my head.

"Please don't" Addy said.

"I won't" I said laughing.

"Kiss me my kraljica" Pietro said and I giggled. I walked over to him and he kissed me.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now