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"Miss me?"

I stood in front of the whole crowd. I instantly spotted out Tony, Pietro, Alex, Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Bucky, Wanda and Sam. I put on my award wining smile to the crowd. I mean i don't look very award winning but whatever. I heard murmur throughout the crowd. Mostly 'Oh my god Stella Stark's alive'

"Now if you'll excuse me. My daughter should get to dance with her date" I said smiling. I walked off stage with my hands in my sweatpants pockets and smiling. No one moved from what they were doing and i raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and walked over to a table. I got a little dizzy so i sat down. Someone turned the music back on and Addie and Noah went to go dance. I looked over and saw that the Avengers aka my family were standing by each other staring at me. They could at least say hello. I rolled my eyes and stood up i walked over to them.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I said smirking. Alex walked up to he and touched my shoulder and i smiled

"i'm here. I'm really here" I said. He pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you so much..." he whispered into my ear. I smiled a little as he pulled away. Everyone else hugged me except Pietro and Tony.

"Hey loser" I said to Pietro crying a little.

"You broke our promise draga" he said.

"I'm here now though and i'm not going anywhere anytime soon" i said smiling. He pulled me into a kiss. Hmm I so missed his lips.

"I love you Stella Stark" Pietro said pulling away

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"I love you Stella Stark" Pietro said pulling away.

"I love you too Pietro Maximoff" I said as i rested my forehead on his. Someone cleared there throat behind us and i smiled. I took a step back and faced Tony.

"Stells?" He said.

"Tony" I said smiling. He grabbed my arm ad hugged me.

"Stella i'm so sorry you got hurt. i'm sorry" he cried into my hair.

"Its fine. Its not your fault. I'm here now and i'm not dying anytime soon" i said pulling away from the hug.

"We should get back to the tower there's a lot to explain" I said.

"Alright im gonna go get Addie. We will meet you there" Tony said. I nodded.

"Wanna ride with me?" I asked Pietro.

"Of course draga" he said. We walked out to Tony's car and got in. I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"I've uh missed you Stella" Pietro said and i smiled.

"I missed you too" I said. We talked the way back about random stuff. I pulled into the garage and it looked like everyone beat us there. We got out and walked inside. Everyone was in the living room.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now