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Stella's POV

I woke up at 8 the next day and got dressed.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone

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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. I mixed everything together for pancakes and put them on the pan. Everyone came downstairs except for Pietro and Addy.

"What are you making?" Steve asked as they all sat down.

"Pancakes. There Addy's favorite" I said. I felt a gust of wind and Pietro stopped in front of everyone holding Addy. He put her down and she ran over to me.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Pietro can run super duper fast." She said jumping up and down.

"Can he now?? That's so cool!!" I said smiling at her. She went and sat by him and Wanda

"What's for breakfast?" She asked yawning.

"I'm making your favorite..... PANCAKES!!" I said laughing. She started giggling. Then stopped when my phone started ringing. I answered it and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Stells I'm right outside you're safe house. Let me in" Tony said. My eyes widened and I stood up straight.

"What the hell?!" I asked.

"Stells I know about everyone living there. I'm fine with it just open the door I wanna see my niece" he said with a laugh. I sighed.

"Alright fine give me a minute" I said and hung up. I bit my lip for a minute. I walked over to the front door and opened it. There stood Tony.

"Come on in I guess" I said sighing. He walked in and I shut the door behind him. We walked into the kitchen and everyone's eyes widened except for Addy's.

"Uncle Tony!!!" She yelled running to him.

"Adeline!! My favorite kid!" She said and hugged her.

"Addy honey why don't you go play with some toys while I talk with everyone and cook dinner" I said smiling at her. She smiled and ran off.

"Does she know that he's her dad?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"No. I don't want her getting that attached cause once this is over with we're going back to New York" I said looking down. Just then Addy came running in crying.

"Adeline sweetie what's wrong?" I asked picking her up.

"I bumped my head" she said in tears.

"Oh peanut. It's ok. You're ok" I said trying to sooth her. I sat her on the table.

"Hey princesa wanna go run again?" Pietro asked her. She stopped crying and nodded. He picked her up off the table.

"Bye peanut have fun with Pietro" I said smiling to her. He ran off out of the house. I sighed and plopped down on a chair and everyone sat around me.

"Should I tell her?" I asked them.

"I honestly think you should" tony said.

"But Tell her once you're back in New York. If you tell her here she won't wanna leave" Wanda said. I sighed and nodded. The door opened and in walked Adeline and Pietro holding ice cream cones.

"Pietro!! It's not even noon!!" I yelled at him

"Whoops" he said.

"Ooh you're in trouble" Adeline said.

"Clearly. Maybe if I run fast enough holding you we can get away and she won't see us" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Better think of a different way.... mommy has eyes in the back of her head" Adeline said.

"Well help me princesa. It was you're idea to get ice cream" he said.

"You listened to a 4 year old when she asked for ice cream?!" I asked.

"Pff no.... I wanted some too" he said. I shook my head and rubbing my temples.

"Sweetie go pack up. Uncle tony said it's alright to go home now" I said smiling to her.

"Can uncle Pietro come with us?" She asked excitedly. I looked at Pietro and he looked sad.

"No he's gotta stay here with everyone else" I said moving a strand of hair from her face.

"Alright mommy. I'll be back in awhile" she said and walked upstairs.

"Pietro I'm sorry" I said. He pulled me into a hug.

"Nothing to apologize for Draga. It's my fault that I couldn't watch her grow up and I still can't" he said pulling away from the hug. He leaned down and kissed me.

"EW!! Mommy and Pietro kissed!" We heard a little voice from behind us.

"Baby! Uh aren't you packing up the stuff you unpacked?" I asked.

"I already did" she said shrugging. She's smart for being 4 years old smh.

"Ok well uh say goodbye to everyone then I guess" I said. She said bye to everyone except Pietro. She walked up to him and hugged him.

"Goodbye Pietro. You were my favorite for these couple of days" she said pulling away.

"Goodbye princesa. I'll never forget you" he said and kissed her forehead. She walked over to me and tony grabbed her bag.

"Ready baby?" I asked.

"Yes mommy I'm ready" she said sadly. Her and tony walked out and I said bye to everyone. I walked over to Pietro and kissed him.

"Goodbye my kraljica" he said. (Goodbye my queen)

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said. I gave a smile and walked out of the house to the jet.

"Ready?" Tony asked as I sat down.

"Ready..." I said.

3rd POV
They headed back to the tower and stayed there for the next 9 years. In those 9 years Adeline learned how to fight and defend herself. She got Pietro's speed.

Stella didn't tell Adeline about her father at all because he's a wanted criminal. They lived with Tony in the tower. Pepper and tony ended up getting married.

Everyone Who was locked up after civil war then escaped then lived at the safe house doesn't anymore they've been on the run.

Everything's gone great those years but things always go wrong for Stark's.......

A/N: next chapter brings it to Infinity War. I kinda sped through everything else to get to Infinity War.

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