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A couple days after the Avengers deaths Stella Maximoff, Widow, found out she was pregnant. With twins.

She moved out to California and gave up on being an Avenger. She gave up on Shield and life for that matter.

9 months later out popped a girl and a boy. The girls name was Juliette and the boys name was Toni named after Stella's brother of course.

Red skull and magneto took over the world so Stella and her children went into hiding. She missed all of her friends and her husband and brother and daughter but she knew they were in a better place now.

16 years later

Juliette and Toni were out walking home from school getting spare parts for there mother.

"Toni What have you gotten today?" Juliette asked her brother.

"Erm an old computer" he said showing it to her.

"Perfect let's head home" she said. They walked home talking about stuff. Stella would always tell them story's about there father or uncle or sister or family. They pressed a button to enter there home.

"Names?" The computer asked.

"Juliette Maximoff level 9" Julie said.

"Toni Maximoff level 8" Toni said.

"Clearance"the door said. It opened up and they walked in.

"Mom were home!" Julie yelled.

"In here!" She yelled. They walked down to her lab and walked in.

"And.... finished" she said putting the screwdriver down

"Uh mom? What is that?" Toni asked Stella.

"It's a time machine. You both are going to go back and save the world. Help the Avengers to not die right before" she said and the twins looked at her crazy.

"What! Why can't you go!" Julie asked.

"I'll mess up the time stream. You both pack a bag and meet me in here in 10 minutes" Stella said and the twins groaned. They ran off and packed a bag. 5 minutes later they came back with a duffle bag.

"Ready?" She asked her children.

"No but let's do this" Toni said.

"Ok stand here. Don't tell anyone you're real names or your gonna mess everything up" Stella said. The twins walked to where she was pointing and Stella smiled.

"Alright. I love you guys. I don't know if you'll be able to come back" she said tearing up.

"We like you too mom. You've been an amazing mother" Julie said crying a little.

"Yeah. We are going to miss you" Toni said.

"Alrighty. Goodbye have fun with you're past family" she said with a giggle. She pressed a button and they disappeared. 

I fell to the ground with a plop. I groaned from the hard impact. It worked.... my mom made a time machine. I was too wrapped up in that thought to remember I came here with Toni. He came to my mind and I jumped up.

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