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I woke up the next day laying by Pepper. I smiled to her and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning" she said smiling.

"Morning" I said.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast for everyone. Stella probably doesn't wanna cook today" she said.

"Ok. I'll come with you" I said. I got up and put a t-shirt on and walked out of my room. I walked to the kitchen and everyone sat there except Stella.

"Morning" I groaned pouring myself some coffee.

"Morning uncle T" Toni said and I smiled.

"Where's Stells?" Clint asked.

"I'm not sure. She's probably still asleep" I said shrugging. I went to the fridge to get some stuff and I noticed a note. I took it down and started reading it.

Dear Tony.... and everyone else,
I went somewhere so I won't die or whatever in the tower. Don't worry I'm not alone and you'll see me again someday. I love you all so freaking much it's crazy how a couple assassins, a green guy, a super soldier, an asguardian, a random dude I've been best friends with since 5th grade, a really cool witch and a guy who runs super fast would become my family. I love you all so much. Especially you Tony, you've always been there for me and I love you. You've been the best big brother ever.

Love, Stells

Tears streamed down my face as I read the note. She's gone for good now and I don't want her to be.

"Tony you good?" Wanda asked.

"Uh Yeah I'm all good" I said wiping my eyes.

"What did you read?" Pietro asked.

"Just a note from Stells" I said just above a whisper.

"What does it say?" Addie asked.

"Uh I don't think you'll wanna read it sweetie" I said folding it.

"Sweetie why don't you and the twins go to the training room" Nat said to her. They all walked off.

"So you wanna tell us what the letter says?" Steve asked

"Dear Tony.... and everyone else,
I went somewhere so I won't die or whatever in the tower. Don't worry I'm not alone and you'll see me again someday. I love you all so freaking much it's crazy how a couple assassins, a green guy, a super soldier, an asguardian, a random dude I've been best friends with since 5th grade, a really cool witch and a guy who runs super fast would become my family. I love you all so much. Especially you Tony, you've always been there for me and I love you. You've been the best big brother ever.

Love,  Stella" I read out loud.

"Did she take her phone? We can see who she called last" Clint said. Pietro ran off and came back.

"Right here" He said. I held onto it and went to unlock it.

"Does anyone know her password?" I asked.

"0619" Alex said. I unlocked it and went to her call log.

"She called T'Challa" I said.

"Tony, you're a genius can you hack it and we can listen to there conversation?" Alex asked.

"Yeah I can" I said. I did some things and put the phone down so we all can listen.

Hello?" T'challa Said

"T'challa.... it's Stella" Stells said.

"Hello Stella what do you need?" He asked

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now