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After taking a little break in the training room, Stella decides to go back upstairs. Everyone's still in the living room.

"Stella?" he asked playing with her nail.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Can we go get StarBucks and some lunch?" he asked.

"Sure. Best friend date?" sHe asked.

"Best friend date" He said

 "Let me go get ready" she said happily. She walked to her old room and started getting ready.

 She walked to her old room and started getting ready

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I grabbed her phone and wallet and headed back to where everyone was. 

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup" I said and smiled. 

"Ok be good for your father. Why am i saying that. I've been gone for 2 years. I can not come back and say those things" I said shaking my head.

"Mom, its fine. Your still our mom even though you have been gone" Toni said. I smiled at him and turned to Alex. 

"Alright ill be back in a couple hours. I love you. See you later" He said kissing his girlfriend. 

"Stay safe Stella. I love you" Tony said. 

"Yeah, Yeah i love you too" I said. I kissed his cheek and walked away. 

"Bye ma!" Toni yelled out. 

"Bye children of mine" i said as we walked into the elevator. The doors closed and i turned to Alex. 

"Its my turn to pay for lunch where should we eat?" I asked smiling. 

"Well how about we get Starbucks then we can walk around central park and decide" he said. We walked out of the building  and into the cold air. 

"How is you're relationship?" I asked for her.

"Were good i thinking about proposing soon" He said and i smiled. 

"You should! i have only been here what a day or 2 but you both are cute together" I said to him.

"Thanks Stells. How do you feel about Pietro and Victoria?" he asked. 

"Well im kinda pissed he moved on after 6 months when we were together for 15 years. Thank god we don't age. He moved on while i went under and it's not like i can do anything about it" I said. 

"Yeah. Your brother didn't talk to him after he announced he was with her for awhile. Are you going to the wedding?" he asked me

"When is it?" I asked.

"Next month" He said. 

"I probably will. Only for the kids though" i said. 

"You'll need a date to rub it in" He said to me. 

"Gosh i love you and the way you think, Alex " I said laughing 

"I love you too best friend" He said as we walked into Starbucks. I ordered my drink and Alex did. 

"So who are you gonna bring?" He asked. 

"Oh i have an idea" I said grabbing my drink. We walked out to the streets and i pulled out my phone and dialed in a number. I wasn't watching where i was going and ran into someone. 

"I am so sorry. I wasn't watching were i was going" I said. I looked up and saw who i ran into. Lets just say he was hot!

"No its my fault. Braden" He said putting out his hand. 

"Stella" I said smiling.

"This is straight forward but can i get you're number. Id love to take you out some time" He said flashing a smile which pretty much melted me. 

"Id love to go with you" I said. I pulled out my phone, went into my contacts and handed it to him. He put his number in and handed me his phone. 

"Well ill text you" He said, smiled and walked away. I turned to Alex and he was smiling.

"Oh my gosh Stella he totally thinks you're hot"he said.  

"So does half of New York" I said as we walked down the sidewalk.

"You should ask him to the wedding" Alex said.

"Please he wouldn't go... plus i just met him" I said.

"It can be your guy's first date" he said. 

"I don't know ill think about it. Now come on i'm starving" I said as my stomach growled.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He asked 

"How about Daniels? I haven't been there for awhile" I said 

"Sure. I haven't been there since before you went under" He said. I grabbed his arm and ran off to the restaurant dragging him with me. We walked in and went to the host.

"Name for reservation?" The host asked.

"I don't have a reservation but my names Stella Stark" I said. Her face dropped.

"Of course Miss.Stark regular spot?" She asked.

"That would be nice" i said. She took us to our table and took our orders.

"I love it how i just got back to my some what normal self and your already trying to get me with someone" I said smiling. 

"I'm just trying to get you past everything" He said and i let out a laugh. We ate and i paid and we headed back to the tower. Right when we were walking in i got a call and answered it.  

"Hello?" i asked.

"Hey Stella? It's Braden" The guy through the phone said as we walked into the elevator. Alex pressed the button as i looked at him smiling. He instantly knew what was up.

"Hey Braden. Whats up?" I asked as we walked out of the elevator. Everyone including the kids and girlfriends or fiances were in the living room.

"Who's Stells talking to?" Tony asked.

"This dude she met. Shes totally gonna get laid" Alex said. I jumped on his back and continued talking.

"I was wondering if you would wanna go to dinner on Friday?" he asked and i smiled. Alex flipped me over his shoulders and i landed standing in front of him. I threw a play punch and he caught it pulling me into a hug. 

"Id love to. Give me a minute" i said to him. I put the phone to my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm hugging you" He said and i put the phone to my ear. 

"So ill pick you up at 7?" He asked. 

"See ya then" I said and hung up. 

"You can like let go now?" I said and he did. 

"Are they always like this?" I heard Alex's girlfriend ask. 

"Ever since 6th grade" Tony said and i laughed. 

"So whats his name?" Steve asked. 

"Braden" I said. 

"How did you meet?" Wanda asked and Pietro looked uncomfortable.

"He saved me from getting killed" I joked and everyone looked shocked.

"Im totally kidding. I ran into him"  I said. 

"Damn Stella's back for what 2 days and shes already got a date?" Vivian said.

"Hey blame Alex he wanted me to go out with him" I said. 

"Hey! way to rat me out" He said and i stuck my middle finger at him.

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