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Adeline's Pov

I woke up to Jarvis waking me up. I groaned and got up to get dressed. First day back from winter break. I went to my closet and picked out an outfit.

I grabbed my bag and phone and headed for the kitchen

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I grabbed my bag and phone and headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said grabbing an apple.

"Morning Adeline" dad said and i smiled.

"Oh shoot i've gotta go. ill see you when i get home" i said. i grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I decided to walk that day. I arrived not to long after and found Peter. I haven't talked to him forever.

"Hey Peter" i said

"Addy!" he said and hugged me.

"I have missed you. how are you doing?" he asked

"Im getting there" i said

"I heard we got new teachers. I'm not sure what happened to them" Peter said.

"This is gonna suck" I said groaning. we walked to our 1st hour. we have 3 out of 6 classes together. We sat at our desks for science and made small talk. The bell rang and students piled in. Then the teacher walked in.

"Hello class my name is Dr. Banner. Im your new teacher" He said. I looked up and bruce was in front of the room. What the fuck is going on. Oh everyone knows who my mom is so.

"Why don't we all go around and say your names so i know them"  he said. A couple people went and it was Peters turn

"Im Peter Parker" He said. Next was me.

"Im Stella Stark" i said. The class went on and the bell eventually rang. I walked out with Peter.

"That was strange" i said.

"It was" He said.

"I've gotta get to gym. ill see you in math in 2 hours" i said. He waved and i headed to the locker room. I changed into a tank top and some short shorts. i walked into the gym later then everyone else and everyone looked at me. I looked at the teachers and it was Clint and Natasha. I was generally confused.

"Ooh Adeline stark is late for class" Flash said and i groaned.

"Can it Flash" i said. i sat at my spot.

"Hello class. im Mr.Barton and this is Miss.Romanoff." Clint said.

"We're you're new teachers. Now this class will not be that easy. So 40 sit ups and push ups" Nat said.

"Adeline Stark please report to the office" the announcement said and I groaned.

"Can I go?" I asked Nat and Clint.

"Of course" Clint said giving a smile. I went to the locker room and changed into my clothes. I flung my bag on my back and walked to the office. I swear to god if I'm in trouble. I walked into the office and the front desk guys was Phil Coulson. Alright now what the hell is really going on.

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