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Stella's POV

"You know Hydras gonna come back for me" I said

"We will protect you. We will help you get your memory back" that Toni boy said.

"Thank you. Can someone please unlock these handcuff's?" I asked.

"Of course Jessica" He said. He pulled out the key and unlocked them. I sat there rubbing  my wrists.

"So Toni... What do i need to do?" He asked.

"Can you show us what you can do?" he asked.

"Of course i can" i said. I stood up and stretched. The pirate walked back in and grabbed me by my arm.

"Ouch!" I said. He dragged me to a training room and some people were in there.

"Ouch! You know it hurts people when you drag them with you" i said groaning.

"Ooh new people" i said.

"Jessica these are the Avengers. Tony,Alex,  Steve, Bucky,Nat, Pietro, Wanda, Clint, Sam, Bruce, Rhodey and Scott. Then my sisters my Twin Juliette and  my older sister Adeline, Her fiancee Peter then my cousin Vivian. Then there's Alex's girlfriend Harper, Steve's girlfriend Elizabeth and then Pietro's Fiancee Victoria " He said.

"Hello. Jessica, Jessica Frazo. It's nice to meet you guys and congrats to Addie and Pietro on there engagement" i said flashing my smile

"Do you have anyone?" Tony asked.

"I-I think i was married before got kidnapped. I think i had kids. I have no idea anymore" I said sighing.

"So, Kid, Who am i fighting?" I asked smirking.

"Bucky. Wanna fight Jessica?" He asked.

"You sure" Bucky asked.

"What scared you'll hurt me?" I asked smirking.

"No i'm scared you'll hurt me" He said and i laughed a little. We fought and i won of course.

"Yes!" I yelled out laughing.

"Damn girl...." Sam said and i smiled.

"Nice job Jessica" Tony said and gave me a high five.

"You guys like aren't gonna lock me up again right? I have been locked up so much that if i'm locked up again ill go even crazier then i already am" I said with a small chuckle.

"Of course now. Come on there's a party here tonight and i'm dragging you with" Wanda said smiling.

"Don't have to drag me ill be happy to go" I said smiling.

"Good now come on we've gotta get ready" She said. She grabbed my arm and took me to her room. After a couple hours i was ready and it was party time.

 After a couple hours i was ready and it was party time

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