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Stella's POV a couple nights before. She's still in Hydra.

I was in my room at the house packing up a suitcase. It was December 10th. I zipped up the bag and grabbed my phone, purse and passport. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me.

I walked to the living room. Tony was laying on the couch under some blankets. Mom was playing the piano. I'm not sure where dad was. I dropped my bag and grabbed the mail to look at it.

"Wake up dear and say goodbye to you're father" mom said

"Who's the homeless person on our couch" dad said walking in. Tony stood up fast.

"Be nice dear He's been studying abroad"  mom said and I chuckled. He pointed at me and gave me a look.

"Really which broad?" Dad asked and I started laughing.

"Stella you better shut you're trap or I'll make you're life terrible" tony said and I knew he was joking.

"You wouldn't you love me to much"  I said sticking out my tongue at him. He shook his head.

"Alright I've gotta go" I said putting the mail on the piano.

"Bye mom" I said hugging her. I pulled away and kissed her cheek.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you to sweetheart"  she said. I went over to dad and hugged him.

"Goodbye dad. I love you"  I said. I pulled away and kissed his cheek. I walked over to my bag. I looked at tony and he looked hurt.

"I'm kidding Tony" I said chuckling. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Bye Tony. I love you. I'll be back to spend Christmas with you" I said pulling away.

"Stay safe lil sis. Im gonna miss you. I love you. See ya in a week. You come back the 19th?" He asked.

"Yup see ya then" I said grabbing my bag. And my phone and walked out to the car that's taking me to my jet.

6 days later

I don't remember a lot about last night. But I woke up to my phone ringing and a guy in my bed.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Hello is this Stella Stark?" A women asked.

"Yeah this is she" I said sitting up.

"I'm sorry but you're parents were in a bad accident and didn't make it. I'm sorry for your loss" the person said. I put the phone down for a minute.

"Miss Stark are you there?" She asked.

"Yeah. I've gotta go" I said and hung up. I jumped up and started re packing my bags. Finally I finished. I write a note to the guy grabbed my phone and walked out. I went to my jet and it took off. After a long jet ride and lots of crying it landed on the roof. I quickly got off. I ran inside. The time difference made it night here. I ran into the living room and Tony was there.

"Tony" I asked my voice cracking. He looked up sadly and stood up. He opened his arms and I ran into them. I started crying.

"I've got you. Stella I've got you"he said in a soothing voice. We stayed like that all night crying.

"What happened" I asked in between sobs.

"Car accident" is all he said.

One week later

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