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Adeline's POV

Math was boring. I already knew what Tony was teaching. After Math is Art which is one of my favorite classes. I walked out of Math said bye to Peter and headed to art. When i walked in Wanda was the teacher. Yes! I went and sat in my spot by Noah.

"Hey Addy" He said.

"Hey Noah" I said giving a smile.

"So the snowball is on Friday. I was uh wondering if you would like to go with me" he said with a smile.

"Id love to" i said. His smile grew.

"Awesome ill pick you up at 6:30" he said. I nodded.

"Alright class my name is Miss.Maximoff. I will be your teacher For awhile. I have to do attendance so like just say here when i call your name." Wanda said.

"Noah Jones" she said.

"Here" Noah said and i smiled

"Adeline Maximoff" she said and smiled at me.

"Here" i said.

"Why did she call you Maximoff and not Stark? and why do you have the same last name as her?" Noah whispered to me.

"Teachers kept calling me Miss.Stark and hats my mom. Her brother is my dad" I said and he made a oh face.

"So today you guys are gonna draw your table partner. I believe you all know where the paper is. Have fun" she said with a smile. I went to grab a pencil from my bag but I didn't have one.

"I'll be right back I've gotta grab a pencil. I'll get you a piece of paper" I said to Noah. He nodded and I got up. I walked up to the teachers desk.

"Aunt Wanda?" I asked.

"Yes Addy?" She asked smiling at me.

"I need a pencil" I said chuckling a bit.

"Here you go" she said handing me a pencil.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"Yes uh I got asked to the Snowball dance and I need a dress. Wanna go shopping after school tomorrow?" I asked with a smile. Her face lit up.

"Is that even a question of course I wanna. Now get back to the hottie that asked you" she said and I laughed a bit.

"Ok. Do you know if dads gonna be home after school?" I asked.

"He should be." she said.

"Alright well my partner needs me so i have to go back to my desk" I said and walked back to the table.

"Here ya go Noah" i said putting the paper down on the table.

"Thanks, Love" He said. I smiled.

"I love that nickname" I said

"Then ill call you that for now on" he said. He smiled and i got a weird feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies. His smile was so beautiful.

"Hey noah?" i asked while sketching his jawline.

"Whats up?" he asked

"Do you wanna come over to my house after school?" i asked.

"Yeah. ive got nothing to do. just text me your address and I'll be there" he said and smiled.

"Stop moving I've gotta draw you're jaw line" I said laughing a little which made him laugh. We were a laughing mess.

"C'mon Addy I've gotta draw you" he said in between laughs.

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