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Stella's POV
"So your a mother" Clint said

"Yeah I'm a parent" I said

I stood there for a minute before Alex spoke up.

"How does it feel?" He asked

"Hm?" I asked

"Being a parent and you're best friends and love Of you're life being in prison when you've got a small part to do it it?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Being a parent is great. Kinda exhausting but I've got Tony to help me. This isn't my doing. You guys decided not to sign" I said.

"Did you know we would end up in jail?" He asked.

"Why do you think I told Pietro to stick to jail?" I asked

"You son of a bitch You could've told me. We're best friends." He said.

"Might wanna re think the best friend part there" I said walking away.

"What are you running away? That's what Stella Stark does the best right? After New York? After Ultron?. You ran away like the coward you are" he spit at me. I stopped and turned around.

"After Ultron I ran off cause I thought I lost Pietro" I snapped at him.

"Draga calm down" Pietro said I ignored it.

"Clearly he's not. Being the slut you are got knocked up" he said. The doors opened and tony holding Adeline walked in.

"Stells? You Alright?" He asked.

"Let me at him!" I yelled out. About to run over. Tony pressed a button that opened Pietro's cell.

"Take Adeline" he said handing her to him. Tony grabbed onto my waist and held me back.

"Let me at him!" I yelled

"Stella, Stella, calm down. Remember you're better then him. You have people who love you. He just lost the last person" Tony said. I calmed down and took a breath.

"Can I have my baby please?" I asked. Pietro said goodbye to her and went back to his cell and tony locked it back up. I sighed and put on a smile handing Adeline to Tony.

"Bye Clint, bye Scott bye Pietro" I said.

"Bye princesa I love you" Pietro said and I smiled to him.

"Bye piety I love you too" I said and walked out.

"Ugh that was nearly impossible" I said picking up Adeline.

"Hey you made it out alright" he said,

"Barely. I wanna go home and cuddle with my baby" I said smiling at them. I put Adeline in her Baby seat and picked it up.

"Let's go home" Tony said. I nodded and we went to the helicopter.

"Congratulations" Someone said from behind me.

"Thank you" I said turning around and smiling at the random person. We walked to the helicopter and got In strapping the baby in and myself. We took off to the tower.

We arrived after a really long time.

"I'm gonna go put Adeline to bed. Say goodnight" I said to tony.

"Night Addy I love you" he said smiling at the baby. I walked up to her room and changed her into some pajamas and put her in bed. I went across the hall to my room and changed into some sweats. I turned on my light and saw Steve standing there.

"Jesus Christ you guys scared me" I said grabbing my heart.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yelled.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now