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"Miss.Stark, Mr.Stark wanted me to tell you it's time for dinner" Friday said. I stood up and went to the dining room.

"What's for dinner T?" I asked.

"Spaghetti" he said.

"Ok" I said sitting down by him. I noticed Sarah still here and quite close to Zeke.

"Mark!" I said

"What's up?" He asked

"I want you to meet my other best friend Alex" I said pointing to Alex. They started pointing.

"Mom Alex and Mark are gonna become best friends now" Addy said and I chuckled. We all made small talk.

"Food was delicious whoever made it. I need sleep now. Night" I said and walked out of the room. I went to my room and changed into some sweatpants. I started watching tv. A couple hours later Zeke came in.

"Hey baby. What are you still doing up?" He asked.

"I was waiting to say goodnight to you" I said smiling. I turned the tv off and got under the covers. He got in bed and wrapped his arm around me.

"Good night Stella I love you" he said.

"Night I love you too" I said and fell asleep.

I woke up at 1am to an empty bed.

"Zeke?" I whispered. Nothing. I walked out of my room to search for him. I got to a hallway and heard some noises. I was gonna turn the other way but my wanting to know was to strong. I tiptoed to the room and looked into the crack of the door. I saw Zeke and Sarah naked and kissing. I slowly backed away and held back some tears. I turned around and walked away.

My feet brought me to a room. I knocked on the door and waited. Someone opened it and I gave a small smile.

"What are you doing here Draga?" Pietro asked.

"Oh uh I saw something and I didn't wanna be alone after I did but now that I think about it it's stupid that I came here. Sorry" I said and started walking away.

"Stella wait" he said. I turned around and faced him.

"You can stay with me if you want for the night" he said. I smiled and walked over to hug him. I pulled away and walked into his room. It was nice. I laid on his bed and he laid on the other side. I cuddled into his chest.

"Goodnight Pietro" I said.

"Night Stella" he said. As I was drifting off I heard him say I love you.


I woke up laying next to Pietro and smiled. I got up and walked to my room. When I got there I saw Zeke wasn't there. I got dressed and went downstairs. I saw everyone sitting at the table eating including Pietro. How did he get down here so fast? Oh yeah super speed.

"Hey, love, Where did you go last night?" Zeke asked. I cringed at his voice.

"Oh uh I spent the night in Tony's room" I said. I glanced at tony and he looked confused. I gave him a pleading look and he nodded.

"Oh alright" he said I rolled my eyes and sat by Tony and Pietro.

"Don't forget Christmas party tonight" tony said.

"Oh yeah. Addy you coming?" I asked.

"Yep. Kate and another friend of mine is coming too" she said.

"Ok well I've gotta go do some things. I'll be back later"

"Bye Stella I love you " tony said.

"Bye T. I love you too" I said grabbing my phone.

"Bye mom" Addy said. I waved and walked out to my car.

Time skip

I got back to the tower and started getting ready for the party. Zeke cheats on me. I look my best for the party and there's always been one thing that Stella Stark has been.

A sex icon

Ahh the color red

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Ahh the color red. The color of love. Also blood.
I looked at the time. 7:10 pm. I smirked. I hacked into Friday and played the song River for my Entrance. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Once it stopped moving I pressed play for the song and put a smirk on my face. I walked out of the elevator and everyone was looking at me. I walked down some glass steps finding Tony.

"Stella, you look beautiful" he said and I smiled.

"Thanks Tony" I said. Nat walked up to me and pulled me aside.

"Alright what's going on between you and your boyfriend?" She asked and Clint joined In on our conversation.

"I caught him and Sarah naked doing things last night. They don't know that I saw them. So I spent the night in Pietros room. We didn't have sex we fell asleep" I said

"That asshole I'll kill him" Clint said and I giggled.

"I will help you" Nat said taking a sip of her wine.

"I always liked you and Pietro together more anyways" Nat said. I looked over at Pietro and smiled to him.

"Yeah I did too" I said.

"Uh hey everyone I'm Zeke Stella's boyfriend. Stella can you come here for a minute?" He asked. I looked at Nat confused. I walked over to him and he went down on one knee. Sarah was behind him. That just made me mad.

"Stella Stark, will you marry me?" He asked smiling.

"No" I said and everyone gasped once more.

"What do you mean no?" He asked confused.

"I would've said yes if I didn't catch you and Sarah getting it on last night. How was the sex? I didn't really take you for the cheating type. Zeke" I said smirking. He stood up.

"It wasn't-" he started but I cut him off.

"Save it. I don't wanna hear it." I said.

"You're pregnant with my baby though" he said.

"Actually it's my baby." I said. Sarah put a hand on his shoulder.

"C'mon Zeke you don't even know if it's your kid" she said.

"Ok that hurt" I said. I walked closer to him and slapped him. I turned around to the guests and the avengers and my daughter and her friends and smirked.

"I hope you all have a spectacular party and holidays from, what do they call me? Oh yeah the 'sex icon Stella Stark' to you all" I winked and bit my lip.

"I can be a petty bitch when I want" I said looking over my shoulder at Zeke.

"Happy holidays!" I said and walked away.

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