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Stella's Pov

"Baby its me" I said taking a step back.

"I hate you" He barked.

"What Why?" I asked.

"You broke me. Bad things happen when ever your around" He said. He threw a punch but i blocked it shocked.

"Ok i can't disagree.... Pietro im your Wife" i said. He pushed me against a wall and held my arms above me against the wall.

"Pietro i'm not gonna fight you" I said

"Good" He said and slapped me. I kneed him and he let go of me and i stood in the middle of the room.

"Do you remember when we first met?" I asked

"Shut up. Worst mistake of my life" He said and slapped me.

"It was when we were Fighting Ultron. You grabbed onto Thor's hammer and fell into some boxes. I checked on you" i said and he punched me in the stomach. He pushed me against a wall and punched my face. I heard a crack and groaned. He pulled out my gun out of the back of my jeans and put it against my head.

"Do it at least ill die in the arms of someone i love" i said with tears in my eyes. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

"Draga why do i have a gun to your head?" he asked. I elbowed him and he fell to the ground letting go of me. The guards came in and took him away. I sat on the ground with my knees in my chest crying and breathing hard.

"Friday whats wrong with me?" I asked my watch.

"Mrs.Maximoff your having a panic attack" She said.

"Me? I don't have panic attacks" I said and Zeke walked back in.

"Now that you know the truth, How do you feel about me now?" He asked.

"Well i hate you even more.... that's not the truth." I said

"There's truth serum in it to" he said and my heart dropped.

"If i give you this USB will you let them go?" i asked

"of course" He said. I took the USB out of my back pocket and sighed. I threw it to him and he caught it.

"Good choice Stella... Guard open the door to there cell" He said. The guard pressed a button and the door opened. I just stood there staring at my feet.

"Mom?" i heard. I looked up and everyone was standing in front of me.

"Uh my nose is broken" I said staring at the wall. Toni and Jewels ran over and hugged me.

"Its alright mom" Toni said.

"Draga?" I heard a voice behind me. I whipped around and saw Pietro there. He took a step forward and i took a step back.

"D-Don't touch me" I said. his eyes were red he was obviously crying.

"Stella i'm so sorry. I did not know what i was doing" He said.

"J-Just stay away from me please. I need time" I whispered. He lowered his his head and nodded.

"Ill wait for however long it takes" he said. He turned around and ran out. I turned to Tony and fell into his arms.

"It's alight sweetie Its ok" He said

"No its not" i said.

"I've missed you Stells" he said.

"I missed you too" i whispered back.

"Come on lets go to the tower" He said and i nodded.

"Wait i want you all to meet the twins" i said walking over to them

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now