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"Shh let them be" I heard someone say.

"I need a photo though" someone else said.

"Stop let them sleep. They both had a rough day yesterday" someone said and I groaned.

"You guys are loud" I said yawning. I noticed my arms were wrapped around someone. I looked over and let out a scream which caused Tony to sit up really fast and we bumped heads.

"Tony, you jerk" I groaned

"Good morning to you too Stells" he said standing. I rubbed my forehead where I hit it.

"I need some coffee" I groaned.

"Mom!!" Toni yelled running in.

"What's wrong?" I asked all worried.

"Nothing just tomorrow is my birthday" he said shrugging.

"Kid I already know that. You gave me a heart attack" I said chuckling.

"Sorry ma. But what about dad? I've never gone a birthday without him" he said sadly. I pulled him into a hug.

"How about I make you you're favorite and youre sisters favorite breakfast tomorrow" I asked.

"Please?" He asked.

"Of course sweetie. What do you want today? I'm gonna make it for everyone else" I asked.

"Er pancakes?" He asked.

"Coming right up" I said and kissed his forehead. I went to the kitchen and pulled out some bowls to start making It.

"Friday, play Tony's playlist" I said and AC/DC started playing. I mixed everything together and put the batter on the pan.

"I swear you and you're AC/DC" Jewels came in shaking her head and smiling.

"I'm making pancakes" I said flipping it.

"Yes!" She squealed. I finished up them and put them on 2 plates.

"Breakfast is ready!" I yelled out and everyone came running to the kitchen table. I chuckled and put the plate down.

"Thanks mom. I miss you're cooking" Addie said and I smiled to her.

"Anytime and I miss you. I don't remember the last time we spoke" I said.

"I know I've been really busy at Stark Industry's" she said.

"Speaking of which, Stells now that you're back do you want you're percentage back?" Tony asked.

"I'd love it back. I loved that job" I said.

"Good" he said. I sat down and started eating. It was fun and I miss this so much. Once I finished I picked up my plate and put it in the sink.

"Mom?" Toni asked.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can the Avengers train Jewels and I today?" He asked giving his smile. I gave it a thought.

"As long as you don't get better then me" I said smiling.

"You can be better then you? You've got powers and you're Stella Stark. Dude our mom is the famous Stella Stark! It hasn't hit me till now cause like we're here with the Avengers and we're gonna train and everything!" Jewels said to Toni and I raised an eyebrow.

"Imagine everyone's reaction at school when we told them our uncle is freaking iron man and our sister is The Breeze and our mom is Ice!!" Toni said.

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