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I woke up a couple hours after. I sat up and was alone in my room. The IV and oxygen was gone so I grabbed my crutch, put it under my half way decent arm and headed out of my room. I walked into the elevator and waited till the doors shut.

"Main floor please?" I asked. The elevator went down and soon the doors opened. I made my way out and too the kitchen.

"Friday, where is everyone?" I asked.

"Training room" she said. I grabbed a bottle, put it between my teeth and made my way to the training room. I opened the door and everyone was in there own spaces. I stood against the wall and watched. I took my bottle in my hand and opened it with my teeth. I groaned realizing how stupid I was and that I couldn't close it.

"Brother!" I yelled out which caused everyone's attention to go to me.

"Mom! How are you doing. Are you in pain or anything?" Toni asked.

"I'm a little sore." I said. Everyone came over to me.

"Stells you should be resting" Bruce said.

"When do I ever rest?" I ask smiling. I handed my bottle of water to my brother to close.

"Thanks T" I said. I lifted up my shirt to see the stitches on my flat stomach.

"Hmm not as bad as I thought it would be" I smiled. I grabbed my crutch and tried to walk out.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm trying to leave" I groaned.

"I'll help ya ma" Toni said.

"Thanks Toni" I said. We slowly walked to the elevator.

"Are you bothered that you're dad married someone else? I don't know what's wrong with Jewels so I can't speak for her" I asked.

"Honestly no. Also Jewels blames you for you and dad breaking up." He sighed.

"Hmm. What about Addie?" I asked.

"She's too busy with her wedding to really care. Her and Peter are always traveling" he chuckled.

"Oh" is all I said. The doors opened to the living room. I stepped out and went to the couch.

"Thanks kiddo" I smiled.

"Mom are you and Braden gonna move out?" He asked.

"I mean maybe in the future. Why?" I asked

"I would just wanna go live with you. Not dad" He said shrugging.

"I wouldn't wanna break you too up" I said.

"Trust me she hates my guts i think its all right" he said.

"She doesn't hate you" I said to him.

"Yeah she does. She hasn't actually talked to me in i don't even know. Shes just really close with dad." He said sitting next to me.

"I have no idea whats up with her. I was honestly never like this" i sighed.

"You didn't have time to act like this. Grandma and Grandpa died and then uncle T went down a dark path" He said.

"True why don't you go get some sleep. You look tired and its been a mess of a day" I softly said.

"Maybe that's a smart idea. Goodnight mom i love you" He said.

"Night kiddo. I love you too" I smiled. He walked away and i let out a groan standing up.

"Miss.Stark, Mr. Maximoff requests your service in he conference room" Friday said. I slowly walked there. When i got there the rest of the Avengers and Braden were there.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now