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"Follow me" I said. We all started for the basement.

"So Stells how's it been like? Having kids and all?" Nat asked.

"There a pain but i love them" I said with a smile.

"Hey!" Jewels said.

"Jewels come on we know its true" Toni said laughing.

"Anyways so Adeline got a boyfriend?" Jewels asked.

"You can call me Addie. Yeah i do, i'm dating Noah" She said and smiled to him.

"Where did you meet your boyfriend?" Addie asked Jewels.

"School what about you?" She said.

"Same" Addie said.

"HA! You guys will never beat how mom and dad met!" Toni said.

"Come on. He kissed her right when they met!" Jewels said

"No they didn't he grabbed Thor's hammer and fell into some boxes and mom went to see if he was alright then Aunt Wanda messed with her mind they got out and the avengers went to a safe house only to find out that Clint has a whole freaking family. Aunt Wanda and Dad showed up at that house right before they were about to go fight Ultron and said they made a mistake. Then walking back to the jet dad offered mom a ride to the jet and mom accepted they got to the jet and kissed. Dad then died during the fight and mom moved away" Toni said and i gave a look to Pietro and we smiled to each other.

"So Stella where do you work?" Tony asked.

"I started Stark Industries back up" I said as we arrived at the door. I pressed a couple buttons and the security question popped up.

"SECURITY QUESTION: What was the date you tried to kill yourself?" The machine said outloud and i sighed.

"April 21st 2018" I spoke.

"How long ago was that?" the thing asked.

"3 years ago" I said. The door opened and there were a bunch of beds with the avengers hooked up to machines.

"Mom.... why is that your passcode?" Jewels asked

"Because I knew no one else would know it and you guys would never figure it out cause like who ever would make there passcode the date they attempted suicide I mean seriously" I said walking in.

"So..... here's You're body's" I said moving out of the way as they walked in.

"So Stella are you gonna explain to us what happened 3 years ago?" Tony asked.

"It's simple. I got low took a couple bottles of pills into the bathroom and didn't come out till the neighbors found me passed out on the ground" I said shrugging.

"It's not that simple....." I heard Jewels mumble.

"Anyways will you guys help me wake You're bodies up?" I asked

"Yeah, sure" Bruce said.

"Thank you" I said. They started working around the lab and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Toni walked up and stood by me.

"Hey mom?" He asked.


"Do you think it'll work? We will get our family?" He asked.

"I hope so Toni,  I really do" I said sighing. He gave me a hug

"We will figure something out" he said pulling away. All of the sudden a monitor went crazy. I ran over to it and it was Tony's.

"What's going on?" Bruce asked.

"Tony what the hell is going with your body?" Nat asked.

"How would I know?" He answered. I heard a groan from the bed and my eyes widened.

"What the hell happened" bed Tony asked. Sitting up.

"Tony?" I asked. He looked up to me and smiled. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Stells I could see you the whole time I was out. Same with everyone else" he said.

"How?" I asked.

"Well I have a couple stories now. We were with you the whole time" he said.

"When you found out you were pregnant we sat right by you. Pietro was so happy. We were there when they were born, all the sleepless nights, when you quit Shield, closed Stark Industries, we were there when the kids were growing up, when you tried to kill yourself. We were there watching you" Tony said and I started crying.

"Oh. T, I want you to meet the twins" i said and they walked up to me.

"Tony, this is Juiliette and Toni" I said giving a smile

"Hello, you can call me Jewels if you want." Jewels said.

"I'm Toni with an I" Toni said. I smiled at the 2. I turned back to the Avengers.

"Well the machine is ready. I think we will be fine now if you guys wanna get back" I said.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked hugging me.

"Yeah. I'll get you all back eventually. Past me needs you. She's gonna be finding out about the Twins soon" I said giving a small smile. The tony that just woke up wrapped his arm around me.

"Alright we will go back" Wanda said.

"Follow me then" I said. We all walked into my lab. I pointed to a box.

"That's a box" Alex said.

"Wow... I would've never guessed... anyways you stand there and press the button and poof you're back in your time period" I said

"You sure you want us to go?" Nat asked.

"I mean I don't but you guys should head back so I can wake everyone up. I just want my husband, friends and family back" I said looking down. Pietro walked up to me and hugged me.

"You always know when I need a hug" I said

"Call it lovers connection or whatever." He said chuckling.

"I missed you're hugs" I said.

"Well soon enough this time period of myself will wake up and you'll have me again forever" he said as he stroked his thumb on my cheek. 

"You can always come back and visit. I mean maybe not past Tony or myself but everyone else can. Also I think I figured out a way to send messages" I said smiling proudly.

"That's amazing Stella. Well until next time best friend" Alex said.

"I love you Bestie you too Pietro" I said.

"I love you Draga" he said

"I love you bestie" Alex said. Steve pressed the button and they were gone. I was left with my twins and brother.... now if only I could wake everyone else up....

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