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"Wonderful" I said

Stella's POV
I grabbed the outfit and went the bathroom in my office. I looked in the bathroom mirror and smiled.

I opened the door and walked out to where everyone was

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I opened the door and walked out to where everyone was. They all starred at me not saying anything.

"What?" I asked

"Draga.... you look beautiful...." Pietro said. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Piety. Um I have to go. You guys can watch it on the tv in here" I said turning to the channel.

"Good luck Stells" Steve said. Pietro gave me a kiss.

"Thanks Steve. Watch my baby please?" I asked.

"I call watching her!" Nat spoke up. I laughed.

"C'mon spidey you're coming with" I said grabbing my phone. I walked out of my office and locked the door. I walked to the front with peter following me. We got into my rose gold Ferrari and I drove off fast.

"Uhh Miss Stark shouldn't you slow down?" Peter asked.

"Fast is good Peter" I said and continued. We finally arrived. I put my sunglasses on and got out.

The media was going crazy. I got out of my car and strutted inside with Parker not far behind me. I spotted the camera that was playing the whole thing on tv and smiled at it.

"The camera caught it all" peter said to me.

"I know. You stand over there. I've got body guards" I said pointing somewhere. He went over there and 2 big guys came up to me. I smirked at them as they brought me to the podium. Once up there everyone shut up and I put my sunglasses on top of my head and smiled.

"You all know who I am. Stella Stark. Tony Stark's little sister. But I'm not here to talk about me. Or I mean I guess I am because I'm telling my side of what happened in Germany between my brother and one of my best friends. Us Avengers, well I guess the avengers are broken up.... anyways we've done some stuff. The battle of New York happened when some 'god' came to earth and had some major daddy issues. Then Ultron happened. I guess you can blame me for that one cause my brother built the robot. After that everything was fine until Captain America or I know him as Steve and some others on the team went off to capture one last Hydra Agent. A lot of stuff happened with that. After all of that happened a bunch of countries decided on the Sokovia accords. We either had to sign it or go against it. I showed up all boss like being 7 months pregnant at the time. I decided to sign it. I did it for my daughter. Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, Vision, Spider-Man and I decided to sign it while Steve,Sam, Pietro, Alex, Wanda they decided to drag up Clint and this guy named Scott who tbh seems awesome. Anyways a war broke out cause neither sides could agree. Oh Caps side brought in Bucky Barnes. We fought each other. Caps team was arrested and cap and Bucky escaped. Steve's team is uh currently in prison. Any questions?" I asked smirking. I pointed to someone who had there hand up.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now