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Stella's POV
The jet landed and I grabbed my bag. I stood up.

"Alright were gonna put a blind fold on you" Tony said.

"Wait I did not sign up for this" I said and he put a blindfold on me.

"Oh this better be good" I said groaning.

"It is Stells" Nat said.

"Someone pick me up so I don't trip and fall" I said. Someone picked me up bridal style. I knew exactly who it was.

"Thanks Stevie boy" I said.

"Anytime Stells" he said. We walked a bit till I was let down.

"Man that was nice not having to walk." I said groaning.

"S you're gonna love this so quit complaining!" Tony said.

"You haven't seen me in forever and you're mad at me. That hurts" I said crossing my arms.

"You'll be fine" Alex said. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll you're eyes" Tony said.

"You know me too well it's scary..." I said. I stood there and someone kissed me.

"Ok Alex didn't know you felt that way but I'd like to apologize cause I don't feel the same way. Sorry Bro. Hope we can still be best friends" I said shrugging.

"That wasn't me" he said.

"Alright whoever it was kiss me again" I said. I felt a pair of lips on mine. It was like I was gonna explode. It was so passionate and wonderful. I craved whoever's lips were on mine when they pulled away.

"Wow. That was uh. Can someone take my blind fold off so i can see who that is?" I asked putting my fingers to my lips. Someone pulled my blind fold off and the light blinded me. It took a minute to adjust but when I did I was shocked to say the least.

"I thought... you were... you died! You were shot how are you here. Actually I don't care how I'm glad you're alive" I said smiling and crying.

"Don't cry Draga. I'm here right now. After I died-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"What happened to pizza?" He asked pulling away and smiling.

"To be fair you kissed me first. Time and date and I'll be there" I said wrapping my arms around him neck.

"Next Friday so a week from today at 6" he said

"Ok" I said giving him a hug.

"Stells there's a gala tonight for Stark Industries. Wanna make you're grand entrance for the pap?" Tony asked raising an eyebrow.

"Is that even a question? Of course I wanna. I need to get a dress" I said.

"Wonderful! I've missed you so much" Tony said pulling me into a hug.

"I've missed you to"  I said pulling away.

"Miss Stark will you go with me tonight?" Pietro asked.

"Hmm Yes!" I said smiling.

5 hours later.

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