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Stella's POV

"Where do you wanna eat?" I asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"How about that café down the ways?" He asked.

"Perfect." I said. We talked a little and I pulled into the parking lot. I got out and he grabbed my hand. We walked in, hand in hand and sat at a table.

"Hello my name is Maya and I'm you're waitress what do you want?" She asked. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Miss. Stark it's so nice to have you here. What would you like to drink ma'am?" She asked.

"Iced coffee please" I said

"And for you?" She asked Pietro.

"Coke please" he said.

"Right away. I'll be back in a minute" she said and ran off.

"That gets so annoying. Waiters acting like jerks then when they realize it's you, a billion or just a Stark there tones change right away" I said sighing.

"Well soon you'll be Mrs. Maximoff" He said taking my hand. I smiled to him. (Play song above)

"How about we get a thing of chicken nuggets and go for a walk in Central Park?" He asked

"Finally. You know how much I love chicken nuggets so yes I'm down." I said. The waitress came back. She handed us our drinks.

"Can we get a box of chicken nuggets for on the go?" Pietro asked. She nodded and scurried off.

"Stella?" He asked

"Yes?" I said taking a sip of coffee

"Give me your ring back" he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Wait no we can get through whatever is happening" I said.

"Just give me your ring back" he said laughing a little. I took it off my finger and hesitated but gave it back. He took my hands in mine and went down on one knee. Everyone watched.

"Every time that I've proposed to you something bad has happened so I wanna re propose cause nothing bad will happen... hopefully... so Stella Stark will you marry me? It would be terrible if you said no especially cause you've said yes the other 3 times" he said chuckling at the end. I sat there smiling.

"Yes of course I'll marry you" i said. I stood up as did he and he put the ring on my finger. He pulled me into a kiss and I put my hand on jaw line and everyone clapped.

"Still the same date for the wedding?" I asked

"Yup" He said. We got our chicken nuggets and went and walked around Central Park.

"So who's gonna be you're best man?" I asked him.

"Probably Alex. Him and I are pretty close friends" he said.

"What about you're maid of honor?" He asked

"Probably Wanda" I said taking a bite of my chicken nugget. I got an idea and hopped on Pietro's back.

"Onward my love" I said giggling.

"Your giggle is adorable" he said. He started walking and I heard a camera click. Whatever I don't care if the pap gets this.

"Your adorable" I said.

"Not as adorable as you are" he said and I shook my head.

"Debatable" I said chuckling. I kept hearing cameras go off.

"So What are we doing tonight?" I asked.

"Hmm I'm not sure. Wanna train?" He asked.

"I'd love to. I wonder how Addie's doing training with Nat and Clint" I said

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now