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Stella's POV
There I sat on the jet heading back to the tower all full of soot and I was a mess. I had a pain in my back and I groaned.

"You alright Stella?" Nat asked

"Yeah I'm good. How much longer?" I asked.

"Right about now" she said as we landed. The backdoor opened and I ran out. No one was there waiting for me. They must not know we landed. I took my heels in my hand and walked inside. I got into the elevator and pressed the button to the main floor. I stood there for a couple seconds till the door opened. I walked out and there sat everyone except Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor and Sam.

"Tony?" Was all I could get out. Everyone looked up to me and tony ran over to me.

"Oh my god Stella. Are you ok? We saw on tv and I was so worried" he said hugging me. His chin rested on my head.

"I've only got a couple bruises." I said hugging him.

"What about the baby?" He asked.

"The baby's fine" I said. He tried to move away.

"No. Stay. hug me" I said tightening my grip. He smiled and held on longer.

"I love you Stella" he said to me.

"I love you too" I said back. Someone cleared there throat and I pulled away.

"Uh Pietro and I have to go meet with Cap" Alex said and I sighed. I walked over to Pietro.

"Guess this is it huh?" I said looking away.

"Yeah. I'm sorry princesa" he said.

"Hey whatever it's fine. It's what you think is right. I just happen to think otherwise" I said.

"We might not come back from this." He said

"I know. That's what scares me" I said sighing.

"Just remember that I love you and the little one." He spoke.

"We love you to" I wiped a tear from my cheek. He crouched down to my stomach.

"Alright Draga you cant be to hard on you're mother once you're born. I love you just remember that" he said. I didn't notice the tears till some fell to my hand. He stood up and kissed my forehead. Alex walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Just remember I love you best friend" he said into my hair.

"I love you too" I said and he pulled away.

"You're gonna be a great mom" he said.

"Thanks, Alex" I said giving a small smile.

"I don't hate you after this. You're still my best friend it's just I have to do this" he said.

"I know you do" I said to him.

"Bye punk" he said.

"Bye jerk" I said smiling a small smile. They both walked away and left. I let out a sigh.

"I just let the love of my life and my best friend walk away" I said.

"You ok Stells?" Tony asked.

"No. I need a shower. I'll see ya in a bit" I said walking to my room. I grabbed a pair of my Harvard sweatpants and a shirt and get into the shower. I scrubbed all of the dirt and blood out of my hair and finished up my shower. I got out and put on my clothes. I went over to my bed and fell asleep.

1 month later

"Stells hey Stella?" Tony asked.

"Yea T?" I answered.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now