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Date night. I haven't been on a date with someone who isn't Pietro in like forever.... I got ready. Curled my hair, Did my makeup, Put my clothes on. I haven't looked this good in awhile. Saying i was a murder...

I grabbed my clutch and phone and headed downstairs

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I grabbed my clutch and phone and headed downstairs. Twins were playing X-box, Clint and Alex were doing thumb war while Tony reffed it and Pietro watched. Tasha, Pepper, Victoria, Elizabeth, Harper and Bruce were cooking, Vivian was on her computer and Thor and Wanda were watching the twins play X-Box.

I walked out into where everyone was.

"Woah.... My best friend looks hot!!" Alex said causing everyone's attention to go to me.

"Thanks Alex" i said smiling. The elevator dinged causing everyone's attention to it now. There he stood. Braden in a suit and damn he looked hot.

"Stella. You look beautiful" He said and i walked over to him.

"Thank you. Uh i want you to meet my family. That's my brother Tony and my kids Juliette and Toni" I said. He shook Tony's hand.

"It's nice to meet you" Braden said.

"Guys this is Braden" I said. Toni and Juliette waved.

"Do me a favor keep my sister safe?" Tony asked.

"Of course" He said.

"Ok ill be back later" i said smiling. We went into the elevator and headed downstairs.

"So where will we be eating?" I asked.

"Well there's this one place where it's really amazing food. its called Carmines Italian Restaurant" he said opening his car door for me.

"I have heard about it... I've never been though" I said smiling

"Then we will have to go" He said. We went to it and got a table. We ordered drinks and started talking.

"I know this is odd of me to ask but there's a wedding i have to go too will you go with me?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course anything for you" he said and i smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled. he nodded. The rest of the night we talked and laughed. He brought me back to the tower.

"I had fun, Stella' He said and i smiled.

"Wanna come in?" i asked.

"Sure for a little while" He said. We went into the elevator and stood there.

"Friday can you take us to the living room?" I asked. It was only 10 so everyone was up. The elevator went up and stopped. He put his arm around me and we walked out smiling. everyone except the twins were in the living room.

"Wheres the twins?' i asked.

"They were fighting so we locked them in the training room" Clint said and my jaw dropped.

"Clint! These are my children there gonna kill each other in there" I groaned.

"Here look were watching them" Tony said and the TV popped out and they were sitting in 2 different corners.

"I'm gonna go see them ill be right back" I said. I went down to the training room.

"Ahh my children" I said.

"Mom he broke my phone!" Jewels said.

"No I didn't!" He yelled back and I groaned.

"Shut up!" I yelled at them shaking my head. They shut up so I could explain.

"In the ring both of you" I said. They got in and I did after.

"Mom what-" Toni started but I stopped him.

"Throw a couple punches" I said. He looked at Jewels with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged and went back. He threw a punch but I caught it and slid under and kicked his ankles and he fell. Jewels started but I flipped her and held her arm behind her back.

"I surrender I'm sorry for blaming Toni!" She said and I smiled they got to there feet and stood there.

"Hug" I said smirking. They groaned and did as told.

"Can we come out of this room now?" Toni asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. We went to the elevator and stood there as it went down. It opened and they ran out to the living room where everyone was. I walked out and went by Braden. 

"Clint you asshole you locked us in there!!" Jewels said

"Juliette!!" i groaned. 

"But mom i missed a date" She said. 

"Did you ask me to go on said date?" i asked

"Uh no..." she said. Braden's phone rang.

"I've gotta go. I had fun tonight" He said. 

"I did too" I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. I felt a spark im not sure. 

"Ill call you" He said and smiled. I nodded and he went to the elevator and went in.

"Bye" I said. I had a smile on my face and turned back to everyone else. 

"She's got that smile" Alex said. 

"Stella i've gotta ask you something" Pietro's fiance asked. 

"Ok..." i said

"Will you be my maid of honor?" She asked. I looked to Alex shocked then Tony.

"Uh well" I started. 

"Please?" she asked

"Um sure" I chuckled. 

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" She said and hugged me. 

"You're welcome" I sighed

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now