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I stood in front of my mirror smiling.

I grabbed my phone and clutch and walked out of my room

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I grabbed my phone and clutch and walked out of my room. Everyone was going so they were all dressed up. I walked down to where everyone was. When i got in there they all stopped and stared.

"Take a photo it will last longer" I said smirking.

"You look beautiful" Wanda said

"Thanks" i said smiling. Dad came over and hugged me.

"Your so beautiful and getting so old" He said

"Dad ill always be your little girl" I said.

"Stop growing up please" Uncle Tony said and i smiled. The elevator dinged and Noah walked out in a tux. He looked to hot.

"Woah" He said once his eyes landed on me.

"Woah yourself." I said smiling.

"You look beautiful" he said.

"Thank You. I have my licence so i can drive" I said smiling.

"Ok" he said smiling

"Dad, Uncle T can i drive moms ferrari?" i asked smiling.

"Sure just be careful" Uncle T said.

"Yeah i don't have a problem with it. Were all gonna meet you there"  Dad said.

"OK see ya there" I said. Noah wrapped his arm round my waist and i giggled. We got in the car and put the top down. It smelled like mom. I gave a small smile and started the car i drove off from the tower and headed to the school. We talked and laughed on the way there. Noah got out and ran to my side and opened my door.

"My love" He said putting out his hand for me to take. I did so and got out of the car. I shut the door behind me and we walked in. We went into the gym where everyone was and the music was blasting. The Avengers beat us here smh.

"Wanna dance?" He said as a slow song came on.

"Id love to" we danced throughout the night and it was wonderful. During a slow song a video projected up on the wall and everyone stopped what they were doing. We looked up and Noah pulled me closer.

On the Video my mom was tied up to a chair.

"Mommy?" I asked above a whisper and Noah looked at me shocked.


All of the Avengers were shocked and confused.

"Stella Stark back from the dead" someone said and slapped her

"Ugh where am i? What happened?" she asked waking up.

"You were stabbed in the abdomen." He said evil.

"I-I died. I was dead. I died in my brothers arms--- My Brother! Where is he? Where is Tony? and my daughter and my fiance" She said

"Your never gonna see him again" the guy said and punched her.

"Why does everyone who kidnaps say that" She asked and got hit again

"Because its true" He said.

"Wait i-i was pregnant..." She said sadly. The guy stood behind her and started pulling the sleeve of the shirt she was in off.

"The baby didn't make it" He said. he started undressing her.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" She said. All of the sudden the guy was blasted with ice. He was dead.

"Hmm forgot i had that power" She said smirking. She got the ropes lose and stood up. She lifted her shirt a bit and there was a scar from where she was stabbed.

"Hm could be worse" She said. She picked up the guy gun and the camera.

"This live?" she asked herself.

"Damn you'd think id know" She said.

"Alright if this is live whoever's watching is gonna go on a little journey with me yeah?" she said giving a small smile. She walked to the door and opened it. Someone was standing there. She put her gun up to him and he put his hands up.

"Alright dude is this camera live?" she asked and he nodded fast.

"good. Now your gonna help me get out of here because i have a daughter, fiance and brother waiting for me at home that i need to get back to- Where the hell is my engagement ring?" She asked groaning.

"Miss.Stark im a huge fan of you and your brother." The guy said.

"Yeah well my brother probably isn't a huge fan of you right now. He probably thinks i'm dead right now great" she said.

"Miss.Stark ill help you out of here. i hate this job" He said and Stella nodded.

"God how could this of happened. I even said in my video to play at my funeral that i dont die. huh guess this really proves it" i said. We went through some doors and we were outside.

"Goodbye whoever's watching through this camera. next time get a better hobby" Stella said and turned the camera off. Stella was a mess. Her hair was crazy, she had dirt all over and bags under her eyes.

"Where are we?" She asked once they were outside.

"New York" The guy said. Her face lit up.

"How long does it take to get to the Avengers tower?" She asked.

"About 10 minutes walking" He said

"Thank you" she said and ran off the best she could. Soon enough she was in front of the tower. Her face lit up as she walked in.


"Friday?" I yelled out getting into the elevator

"Yes Miss.Stark?" She answered.

"Take me up to my room please?" i said and the elevator went up. i said and got to my room and showered. After that i changed into some sweatpants and a shirt.

"FRIDAY where is everyone?" i asked.

"There's a dance at Adeline's school tonight. Everyone went to it" Fridays said

"Friday were crashing a dance. Wheres my keys" I asked

"Miss Adeline took your car tonight but Mr.Stark's keys are on the table" she said and i smirked. I took the keys went down to the garage and got in the car. I drove off to the school. Parked and got out. You can clearly see the black ye i have, busted lip and crooked nose but whatever. I walked in and went to the gym. The music was blasting and i smirked. I put my hood up and sunglasses on so no one could see it was me.

"Alright this years snowball king is... Noah Jones" the announcer said and everyone clapped. He walked up there and smiled.

"This years Snowball queen is Adeline Stark" the announcer said and everyone went crazy. She walked up there and smiled. I walked up there and everyone was confused. I went in front of the microphone took off the hood and let my hair down. I took my sun glasses off and threw them into the crown and everyone gasped.

"Miss me?"

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now