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Stella's POV. 2 1/2 years later.

It's been 2 1/2 years and I haven't talked or seen anyone. Not even Tony... I've changed a bit. Dyed my hair. Got a NYC small tattoo on my finger. My body language has changed. I'm an adult I guess.

I got a call from Agent Hill not to long ago saying something about a robot named Ultron attacking a party of Tony's.

I'm about 5 minutes away from the tower and I was wearing this with a small jacket and a lose bun with some heels.

I'm about 5 minutes away from the tower and I was wearing this with a small jacket and a lose bun with some heels

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We land on the roof and I instantly got out. I looked sophisticated. and hot... damn... I got into the elevator and pressed the lab button. It takes me down there and I notice everyone fighting but stopped. They didn't notice me. I stand in the doorway with my arms cross.

"Seriously. I'm gone for what 2 1/2 years and everything manages to go to hell?" I ask gaining everyone's attention. Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, Alex, Nat, Bruce, hill, Helen and Rhodey were all there.

"Guess I should've stayed after all" I said smirking and put my hands on my hips.

"Stella!! Oh I missed you so much." Tony ran over to me and hugged me.

"I missed you to but you're a fucking idiot!" I said pulling away.

"I mean come on. Artificial intelligence what were you thinking?" I asked. He put his head down.

"Alex!!" I said. I ran over the best I could in heels and hugged him.

"I missed you" he said to me.

"I missed you too" I said to him.

"I like the blonde" he said.

"Thank you." I said.

"So where have you lived kid?" Clint asked.

"Can't tell you. After we destroy this robot thing I'm heading back there but in the meantime Tony I'm living with youuuu" I said dragging out the u.

"That's fine." He said.

"So tell me about this Ultron. Looks like I missed one hell of a party" I said looking down at the Stark pad.

"Well Tony here made him. He doesn't know good from bad" Rhodey said.

"Oh isn't that wonderful." I said sighing.

"He wants the Avengers extinct" Steve said.

"That's even better" I said.

"There's twins working with him. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. She has mind powers and he's fast" hill said.

"Oh thank you Hill for calling me in" I said with a smile.

"You're one of the bests. We needed you" she said.

"Well what I see is Strucker is big in this whole game. Where's the files on him?" I asked.

"Everything was wiped. We have nothing else on him" Alex said. I smirked and looked at Tony.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now