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Stella's POV

I started for the door.

"Stella Rose Stark do not walk out that door!" Fury said. I stopped as I reached for the doorknob. I turned around to face all of the Avengers.

"Damn it. Why does using my full name have so much control over me" I said shaking my head.

"Everyone's going back to the tower. You'll go with them" Fury said.

"What if I don't wanna go back?" I asked.

"You've gotta. We need your help with this" Fury said and I groaned.

"Fine" is all I said. Tony smiled at me.

"Well Stells we've got a lot to catch up on" tony said as he linked his arm with mine.  I smiled at him and hugged him.

"I've missed you Stells" he said.

"I've missed you to T" I said.

"Sorry but we should probably get back to the tower"  Alex said. I pulled away and smiled and rolled my eyes.

"God Alex what is it with you and ruining reunions" i said. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"He's right though we should" Steve said.  I nodded and we all walked out. As we were walking out I realized something.

"Wait where is my daughter?" I asked .

"School. Last day before winter break" Pietro said.

"Oh yeah there's a Christmas party tomorrow night" Tony said

"What is it with you and your party's"  I asked while getting in the car.

"Oh come on you know you love them" he said and drove off.

"Anyways when does Addy's school end?" I asked

"Eh in about 30 minuets" he said as he pulled into the  tower. I nodded and got out. Everyone was already there. I walked in and sat on the couch with everyone.

"Friday?" I asked

"Yes Miss.Stark"

"Can you fly someone from Minnesota to New York?" I asked

"Of course ma'am who would you like to bring back here?" She asked.

"Uh Mark and my boyfriend Zeke" I said everyone looked at me.

"Of course Miss.Stark. They'll be here tonight" she said. I text them and put my phone away.

"Dad I'm home" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Adeline and her friend She didn't notice me.

"How was school?" Pietro asked her.

"It was good. I hope you don't mind I brought Kate over Uncle T" she said. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"Mom?" She asked. I stood up and smiled at her.

"Yeah sweetie I'm here"  i said. She dropped her bag. She ran to me and hugged me.

"I'm so glad your here"she said. I put my chin on her head.

"I Am too" I said. She pulled away.

"Oh yeah! Kate this is my mom. Mom this is Kate" She said.

"Wait you're mom is the Stella Stark?" The Kate girl said excited.

"How did you not know? Who's kid did you think I was?"  Addy said.

"I thought you were Tony's kid" she said.

"No! He's my uncle. Why do you think I call him dad?" She asked her.

Stella StarkWhere stories live. Discover now